Forty Eight

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This chapther is kinda crappy (and short), Ive been busy all day and will be busy all day tomorrow BUT I'll update again this week! :)

Louis rested his head against the cold tiles and closed his eyes, trying to catch his breath. His head was pounding and his stomach churned as its contents were emptied into the toilet. He rested his arm on his knee and put his head in his hand. How much did he drink last night? He vaguely remembers talking to Mr.Styles about... vampires or something. No that can't be right, but his head was pounding too bad for him to think properly. He felt a new wave of nausea stir in his stomach and before he knew it he was throwing up again. Never again, he thought as he wiped his mouth on the sleeve of his shirt. He closed his eyes and took some deep breaths before slowly standing up.

His head was spinning and his legs were swaying but he managed to make it to his suitcase. He never bothered to pack up since they were only staying a couple of days. He was looking for something casual to wear for the trip home, he was planning on just wearing the suit he came with but that wasn't really an option anymore. The car would be here soon and Louis felt like total shit. He had chugged a bottle of water the first thing he did in the morning, but that soon went out with everything he had eaten the past twenty hours. 

The hunger slowly set in his stomach and he welcomed the feeling with a sigh. The nausea was still to go away but he didn't really mind it as much as he should. He grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and a white shirt. As he stood up, he felt like he had been hit by a truck, no a fucking train and he let go of the clothes, droppimg them to the floor. He steadied himself against the wall and decided that fuck it, he'll just wear sweats, he would blame his hangover for the unproffisional look. Cause he really couldn't bring himself to care right now. 

Quickly changing into his sweats Louis went down to the lobby where he was supposed to meet Mr.Styles. He rummaged his brain for any memories from yesterday but all he could remember was talking to Mr.Styles and complaining about his feet... Did he really do that? How embarrassing. Louis suppressed a groan and walked over to where Mr.Styles was standing, he thanked God he was wearing a sweatshirt as well. He had his hair tied up in a bun hidden under his hood, the dark circles under his eyes contrasting his milky white skin.

"Good morning Mr.Styles" he greeted casually when he looked his way before they headed out to the parking lot. A frown appeared on his face and Louis really wanted to know what the hell happened last night. Did he do something? 

"Hi," he answered, still feeling half dead. The car was already waiting for them so they wasted no time before taking off. He thought long and hard going over everything he remembered from the night before. He headed down and saw Mr.Styles talking to someone. Then he just drank champagne and talked to different people, none of them he could name now. A frown appeared on his face, how had he gotten so drunk? 

Mr.Styles had walked over to him and then they talked. For a while. What did they talk about? Vampires? That makes no sense. Why would he do that? He sighed and rested his head against the cool window and closed his eyes. Might as well get a bit of sleep he thought. The car lulled him to a peaceful drowsy state and images from his little world started pouring in. 

He realized how easy it had become to just get lost in his thoughts. It used to be so much harder to keep his mind from all the pain, now he could just close his eyes and they appeared naturally, though his chest still felt empty. His happy place. Though he wasn't really happy there either, cause Liam still hated him even though he had a better reason to. Maybe it wasn't about being happy but having a real reason to be sad. 

Louis sighed and opened his eyes again, he hated it when he started overthinking it, then he couldn't even pretend to be happy. Mr.Styles was staring straight ahead when Louis cast him a glance. His eyebrows were furrowed with a deep frown on his lips. He seemed deep in thought and Louis wanted to know what he was thinking about. He had a loose strand falling in his face and Louis had never noticed how green his eyes were. Like a forest, a deep forest. One of those you could get lost in, almost like a maze. A loud cough brought him out of his thoughts. Mr.Styles was staring right back at him with a little grin on his face.

"Penny for your thoughts?" 

Louis looked away, completely mortified, "no," and he could feel his cheeks heat up. Mr.Styles chuckled and suddenly it all came crashing down on him like a ton of bricks. Like the clouds decided to all gather together and pull a prank on him and all the water hit him at once, Louis' eyes widened as the memories flooded in. Did he really spend the entire night with Mr.Styles? He did, didn't he. He groaned quietly, trying to figure out exactly what happened. 

They talked and then went to the bar. Then what? He remembers watching  tv. Were they in his room? Were they in Mr.Styles' room? Holy shit! Mr.Styles dated Mrs.Jones, that's crazy and now Louis really wants to ask more. What happened? Why didn't he ask last night? What a wasted opportunity he thought with a huff. 

He talked about Liam. He told Mr.Styles about Liam. Louis froze in his seat when he realized what he had done. Why? Why would he ever do something like that? What should he do? Does Mr.Styles even remember last night? He probably does, he wasnt that drunk. He looked over at him who was looking right back with concerned eyes. Louis tried to act casual, because despite it all he did have fun. 

He smiled at him and sunk back in his seat. He wished he was drunk right now so he would come up with something to say.

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