Fifty Two

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Yall need to chill. Geez!

"Hello, hi. Good morning," Louis was quick to say as he picked up the phone. 

"Hi, how are you feeling, are you feeling better? I just wanted to check up on you. See how you're doing," he heard chuckling in the background.

Louis smiled, "oh, yeah I'm better- I'm good now," he reassured and started walking towards the bedroom, ignoring Zayn whisper yelling behind him, "thank you so much for yesterday. I uh, Thank you."

"Of course Louis. Don't even worry about it, you were in danger." The line went silent as Louis thought about what he said. He couldn't say that he wasn't cause Liam could have harmed him but he wouldn't actually do anything bad. But Harry doesn't know that, that's why he worries like Zayn. 

"But I'll see you monday then. If you're feeling alright," Harry broke the silence.

Louis nodded quickly, "yeah of course. And uh, thank you." 

Harry looked up from his computer, "you know, I don't pay you to sit and stare at me all day."

Niall chuckled, "I was just thinking. Shouldn't we tell someone? I mean what if he comes back?" He said seriously.

Harry sighed and slumped back in his chair, "I know, I've thought about that too. The doctor said that it was his choice to press charges and he obviously hasn't done that yet. I've thought about calling the police or, yeah but. I don't know. I don't know what to do," he ran his hand through his hair and stared at the wall above Niall's head. 

"I think we should, what if he comes back and no ones there? What will happen then? You know he won't fight back," he said, getting aggravated. 

"You're right, you're right. But what if-No, I don't know. You're right. You call them. Call the police Niall."

"You dont think it would be better if you called?"

"What does it matter who calls? Just call them!"

Louis locked up the little cabinet and handed Harry his keys back before turning around to leave.


"Hm, yeah?"

Harry hesitated for a moment, "are you alright? Really?"

Louis' eyes fleeted across the room before landing on Harry, "yeah? I told you I'm alright now."

"Yeah but- But you shouldn't be alright. How can you be alright after what happened?" He asked, getting frustrated.

Louis sighed, "everyone should stop worrying so much, I told you, I'm fine," he smiled. "Besides nothing bad happened, I'm alright, do I not look alright?" 

"No, no. I meant- Louis, he could've killed you!" Louis' smile dropped and he flinched as Harry yelled. Shit! Why did he do that? He considered jumping out his window. "Louis, what if you got hurt? For real, then what would've happened?" He asked, his tone much gentler this time. "He is dangerous."

Louis shook his head, "no you don't get it. No one does. He wouldn't hurt me like that. He wouldn-"

"We called the police," He said, almost hoping Louis wouldn't hear him.

His eyes widened and he looked like his entire life flashed before his eyes. His hands flying to his mouth as he took in what Harry just told him. They called the police. He called the police. He'll go to jail. He can't go to jail! Louis breathing sped up as he tugged at his hair, completely ruining his quiff, but he didnt care. Liam is going to jail.   

"Louis I-"

"Why would you do that? Why did you do that?" He cried. He couldn't believe this was happening. He moved in with Zayn to avoid this from happening. How could this happen? Why is this happening to him? Louis' breathing sped up as his eyes filled with panicked tears. How could he let this happen? He didn't notice Harry walking up to him but didn't protest when he felt his arms wrap loosely around him. "I'm sorry," he whispered as Louis brought his little fists up to his chest. He rested his head on Harry's shoulder and focused on controlling his incredibly ragged breathing. He leaned into Harry's arms as he tightened his grip around him. Harry moved them a couple step backwards and slid down the wall with Louis still in his arms.

He leaned his cheek against his chest and wiped away the single tear that managed to escape. His hands shook and he swallowed hard but he didnt move. He didn't want to, especially not when Harry carded his fingers through his hair just like he did the other day. 

"I'm sorry," he whispered again. "I just want you to be safe."

Louis sniveled, "I am safe."

"No you are not. He hit you. That could've ended really badly. That's not safe, that's abuse." 

"No, he only did it when I upset him, when I did something wrong. He didn't do it for no reason." 

"But Louis, that's no excuse. You don't hurt someone you love. You don't hurt anyone like that, and you most certainly can't excuse that with 'I was mad'."


"No Louis. Would you accept it if you found out that I hit Marie? Or Zayn or Niall hit their girlfriends or boyfriends? Even though she was a total bitch at times and we fought almost everyday and totally fucked up my life, I would never lay a hand on her cause nobody deserves that and I am so sorry that happened to you. I may not know what you're going through but I know that it will be hard. You might not believe me when I say that it wasn't your fault and I don't know what I can do to prove it to you but I will try my absolute best to make sure you realize that you didn't deserve what happened to you. It wasn't your fault. And you might hate me for this but Im going to do all I can to make sure he gets locked up cause I would much rather have you hate me and be alright that like me and go back to him." 

Louis didn't say anything as Harry finished his little speech. His heart clenched in his chest and he didn't really know what to make of it all. They sat there in silence for a while and Louis was somewhat aware that he was at work. But not enough for him to actually get up and do anything about it. 

"Ow!" The door swung open and hit Harry in the leg. Niall looked around confused before spotting them on the floor. His face went from confused to worried to an amused little grin in a matter of seconds. Louis looked up at him with a bored expression, not really caring that he was sitting in Harry Styles' arms on his office floor.

"Never mind!" He practically yelled as he turned around and slammed the door shut. 

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