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They said they would give me a call before the end of the week if I got the job, but it was Friday and I still haven't heard from them and I was starting to lose hope. I woke up when Liam's alarm went off and couldn't fall back asleep so I decided to look through some job articles online. I stumbled across some that could work but most of them either required some specific education or were too far away. I was just about to send in my applications when Liam entered the room. He had changed into a white shirt and jeans, looking handsome as ever. He came up behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders.

"What are you doing, babe?" He asked and leaned over my shoulder to see the screen and started talking again before I could answer. "I thought the interview went well" he said confused and started to massage my shoulders. "It did, but I don't think I'll get the job though. There were a lot of people interviewed and they all looked like they had a lot of experience."

Liam frowned "You have experience."

"No, like years of experience, and they all looked so confident walking out of his office. It's Friday and they still haven't called. And I was like the youngest there. I don't think I got the job." "I'm sure you did great babe," he reassured but I knew that wasn't true. He wasn't there to see how weird and awkward it was. What if Mr.Styles figured out why I quit, then I was most definitely not getting this job. Liam sighed and walked around the couch to come and sit next to me when I didn't answer.

"How about this, when I get home today, we can have one of our movie nights. I will pick up some snacks and ice cream on my way home and we can have a 'Harry Potter' marathon. I'll buy your favorite. Strawberry ice cream. How does that sound, will that cheer you up?"

I looked up at him with a huge grin on my face and put my laptop aside and crawled into his lap to kiss him. "I love you," I told him. Because I did. I really did. Honestly, I didn't deserve him. He has always looked out for me and protected me. Even when I totally fucked up, he still stayed with me; and I fuck up a lot. He always made sure I knew what I did wrong so I can better myself for him and even when I didn't really succeed, he had never left me.

"Mm, I love you too." He snaked his arms around my shoulders and my hands landed on his chest as he deepened the kiss. He slid his hands down to my waist as started nipping on my jaw. I tilted my head as he moved his lips to my throat. "You're going to be late for work." He ignored me and started sucking a mark on the column of my throat. I let a quiet moan as his fingers found their way under my sweater. He gently rubbed the exposed skin there before flipping us both over. I let out a yelp of surprise as my back hit the couch and he leaned down and started kissing me again but I pulled back.

"Come on Liam, you're going to be late." Liam just groaned and once again totally ignored me. He moved down to suck another mark on my neck before pulling back. He sat back on my legs and looked down at me, as if admiring his work. He leaned down and pecked my lips one last time before getting off the couch. I whined. "Stay" he chuckled. "You were the one who told me to go."

"No, I said that you'll be late. Now get back here."

He smiled down at me. "I have to go to work. I'll be back before you know it. I promise." I pouted and gave him my best puppy eyes. "I'll be lonely without you. Please?"

"I'm sorry love, I have to go. I'll be back soon." I sighed in defeat and sat up on the couch. "Fine, but don't be late. I miss you when you're gone too long."

Harry's POV

I was working through some files when I heard my door open and Niall walked in. He strolled over and plopped down in front of me. "You know I can fire you for that," I said but he knew I was joking. Niall had worked here for a long time. He was actually one of the first people I hired after I took over the company from my father. He had been my assistant for a while and now he is one of my best friends.

Niall laughed "Yeah, yeah. Don't go all boss man on me."

"You should still knock," I said. "I'm busy." I closed my file and looked up at Niall who was looking at me sheepishly. "Was just wondering how the interviews went. Found anyone suitable?"

I sighed. "Yeah there were a couple who seemed suitable for the job but I don't think we are very... compatible."

Niall chuckled, "yeah that's because you rip the head off of anyone who even breaths the wrong way."

I frowned "I don't do that. I just want things done a certain way, and if they can't do that, they don't belong here."

"Was there really not anyone who could work?" Niall asked.

"I guess there was this girl, Nina, she seemed okay."

"There you go, hire her."

"Yeah, I don't want to"

Niall sighed. "Why not?"

"She's a slut"

He rolled his eyes. "What? How do you know that?"

"She was totally throwing herself at me!"

"And that's a bad thing?" Niall chuckled.

I shot him a glare. "It's not funny, Niall. Look, I coulndt care less about what she does in her free time but I don't need that here, I need a new assistant. Tony is leaving in a week!"

"Was there really not anyone you liked?" Niall asked again.

"No. I mean there was this guy, Louis Tomlinson, who seemed fine. But he was a nervous wreck the whole interview. I thought he was going to pass out."

"It's normal to be nervous at an interview, Harry. He was probably just intimidated or something. Maybe it's his first job."

"No, he worked two years as a P.A at some law firm."

"Well, I think you should hire him. He will get over his nerves after he gets used to working here."

"Yeah, maybe."

Louis' POV

With nothing to do all day, afternoon rolled around faster than usual and I was bored out of my mind strolling around the flat all day, so I decided to make some cupcakes for our movie marathon tonight. I looked up a recipe and realized I was a few ingredients short. Actually we were out of a lot of things so I decided to go to the store; might as well do some grocery shopping while I'm at it. I texted Liam, telling him he didn't need to pick anything up on his way home.

I was in my car, just about to drive when my phone started ringing and I picked it up from the passenger seat and frowned at the unsaved number.


"Hi, I'm calling from Styles Empire. May I speak to Mr.Tomlinson?" A female voice said. I felt my heartbeat pick up rapidly.


"Hello, Mr.Tomlinson, Mr.Styles has hired you as his assistant. You start on Monday, you work from 08am to 05pm with an hours lunch but get here fifteen minutes early on Monday so someone can show you around."

Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God! I can't believe I got the job! Oh my God!

"Okay, great. I'm looking forward to it," I managed to get out before ending the call.

I couldn't believe I actually got the job. I was going to work for the Harry Styles. I just hoped this worked out. God, I hoped I wouldn't freak out in front of him. Well, more than I already did. Now me and Liam can finally move into a better place. I quickly pressed Liam's number to tell him the good news. I couldn't believe he actually hired me.

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