Fifty Four

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The drive back to Harry's penthouse was loud with Louis' endless rambling. "Then he almost- No wait, I'm not going to tell you, then I'll just spoil the story," he said and slumped back in his seat with pursed lips, almost like the words were about to spill out. 

Harry chuckled, "you've practically already spoiled the whole movie."

Louis huffed, "no I haven't, I just explained what it is about," he said and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Yeah okay, so this homeless guy sees the princess once and instantly falls in love and then he stumbles across a creepy guy who tells him to get a lamp from a cave but he ends up getting stuck there and a genie-"

"Okay, okay! Shut up, don't spoil the story for me," Louis said with a smile playing on his lips. They soon arrived at the penthouse and Louis couldn't help but admire the beautiful house. It wasn't like he imagined his house to look like though he couldn't say that he was too surprised. Harry greeted the doorman as they entered and Louis gave him a little wave as they got into the elevator. The ride up was quiet and Louis fiddled with his fingers until they finally reached the top floor. 

"Nice place," Louis commented as he looked around before throwing himself on the couch. There were two similar couches lining the walls forming an L shape. Louis really liked the huge window that covered almost the entire wall beside him, it must really light up the room he thought. Though it was probably a pain in the ass to clean, but he probably didn't clean his own windows anyways. He noticed how it was decorated in a similar fashion to his office with two abstract paintings hanging over the couches and a little square coffee table with a stone top. Though this place was more colorful, almost like the artist handed the brush to a two year old with buckets of paint. 

"Thanks," Harry tried not to blush as he took off his hoodie and threw it carelessly on the other couch before taking a seat beside Louis. He started the tv and searched for the movie on 'Youtube Premium' as Louis continued to analyze every inch of the room. 

"Your painting is upside down," he stated. 

"What?" He looked behind him at the painting Louis was staring at. All the colours of the rainbow were smeared in the middle of a navy blue canvas. "It's not upside down, it's supposed to be like that."

"But it looks upside down"

"How is it upside down Louis? It's just paint"

"Don't you see? It looks like the paint is runny, but because you put it upside down it looks like it's running upwords. Last time I checked that's not how gravity works," Louis explained.

Harry looked at him with an amused grin before looking at the painting again, "huh, maybe you're right," he said as he studied the blob of colour on his wall. 

"You should turn it"

"You do it, I'm fixing the movie"

"Yeah, cause that's so hard work," Louis rolled his eyes and stood up on the couch. He had to really stretch his arms to reach both ends of the painting, "you know, you should get smaller paintings," Louis said with a huff. "How am I supposed to fix them when your dumb ass can't even put them up right?"

"It's not my problem that you're so small, and besides I wasn't the one who put them up, it was my decorator. Now come on, the movie starts now."

Louis slumped back down and grabbed one of the pillows, holding it to his chest. "I'm not small, the painting is ridiculously big and you should get a new decorator if she can't even put up a painting right."

"Stop lying to yourself, you are small and you know it," he said and dimmed the lights with a little remote control. 

"You're so mean," he whined and hugged the pillow closer to himself. 

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