Forty Two

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Louis stood awkwardly by the door as Zayn grabbed him a pair of sweats and a tshirt to change into. When Louis showed no signs of moving, Zayn sighed and put the clothes on his bed. "Here put this on, I'll grab something to eat."

"Um, I'm actually not that hungry," Louis explained, making Zayn sigh once more. 

"You have to eat something Lou, even if you don't feel hungry. You can't just keep starving yourself."

"I'm not starving myself," Louis said and crossed his arms over his chest defensively. "I really don't feel hungry."

"Will you just eat a little bit?" He tried. "Please?" Louis stared at him for a moment, contemplating on what to do, he didn't want to eat but he didn't have the energy to fight about this right now either. "Fine. Just a little bit though," he said and looked at Zayn pointedly. He nodded before turning around and leaving Louis alone to change. 

As soon a s he was gone Louis sat down on the bed. He didn't know what to do; how to feel at the moment, he had so many thoughts running through his brain he found it hard to make sence of them all. All he wanted was to give Liam a call and explain everything, but he couldn't even do that. Why couldn't Zayn just let him be? Then none of this would've ever happened. Maybe he shouldn't have called him that day in the first place. Guilt flooded his gut as soon as those thoughts entered his mind. He didn't regret that at all, just the way things turned out. 

He didn't know if he should be mad at Zayn though, he knew that he wanted well but he still shouldn't keep him away from Liam. When he asked him why he held such hatred for him, he would simply explain that "I hate anyone who causes my best friend pain," and then smile like they were discussing their favorite type of cake or something. Now, don't get him wrong, he was very grateful for his friend looking out for him, but not like this. Not when he was keeping him away from his boyfriend who he loved very much. It was stupid and Louis didn't like to feel like he has to choose between Zayn and Laim again. Though he didn't really have the option to choose anymore, if he went back home Liam might go to jail. He didn't know if that meant choosing Liam for not sending him to prison or Zayn for staying with him. Either way, it sucked.

He wondered how long he would have to stay here before he could go back home again. He sighed and changed into the sweats and folded his clothes neatly before slumping down on the bed again. He wasn't tired anymore but he still closed his eyes and hoped he'd slumber off before Zayn returned. He tried his best to get lost in his little fantasy, just to let his mind rest for a while. 

Zayn and what was her name. . . Lilly? No, Lisa? He knew it was something on L but couldn't remember what he had named her. Whatever, it wasn't that important, she could be called Lilly from now on Louis decided. Anyways, Zayn and Lilly were coming over for dinner in their new flat that they had just moved into. This one was bigger with two bedrooms and was a lot closer to work for both him and Liam which was great because he didn't have to get up so early every morning anymore.

He thought about if Niall should be there as well. Him and Zayn would probably get along well. But he would probably feel like the third wheel if he came by himself, or. . . fifth wheel. Did Niall have a girlfriend? Louis was fairly certain that he in fact did not. So maybe it was best if he didn't come. And what would they be talking about? Hmm. . . they could be talking about work cause in this world Louis really loved his job. Not that he doesn't like it now, he just didn't care enough, though he didn't really care about anything, but that's not the point here. 

He would tell them about his great achievements and how he had made some very good friends like Niall and Chloe. And he had the best boss who was always nice to all his employees and how he had actually become pretty good friends with Mr.Styles. Mr.Adams did not exist in this world, he did not need him. He was just a stupid sidecharacter anyways,  what would he even do? Nothing! That's why he was a totally unnecessary person to exist in his fantasy, he decided. 

"Louis?" Zayn called him, "are you awake?" Louis grunted in response without opening his eyes, why did he have to interrupt him like this? How rude! "I ordered some sushi."

"You should get up, they will be here soon," he said when Louis showed no signs of moving. "Yeah, yeah I'm coming, just give me a minute." Zayn nodded, though Louis did not see him, and left the room. He ran his hands down his face and mustered all his willpower before getting up from the bed. This is ridiculous, he should be home with Liam. He sighed, he has to stop thinking about that now. What was he gonna do? Just run back home? No, this is stupid. 

He ran a hand through his hair as he started pacing back and forth in the bedroom. It wasn't that big of a deal, it's just a couple of weeks. Besides he is staying with Zayn, wasn't that what he wanted? To spend time with his friend? Now he'll be staying here 24/7! Why was he feeling like this? It's stupid. Liam probably won't even notice that he is gone. And it wasn't really Zayn's fault, was it? He should've found a way to cover up the bruises or something.

He dried his clammy hands on his pants, why was he sweating like this? He rested his forehead against the wall and took a couple of deep breaths. This is stupid. So stupid! What is he even doing? This is just plain ridiculous. Zayn is waiting for him, he should leave now. Yeah, he has to go, to levae this stupid room. So why couldn't he move? What was going on? Louis felt incredibly dizzy, was he going to pass out again? He can't believe he actually passed out again! What would Mr.Styles think? Would he have to go to the hospital again? He didn't want to go there, what if he passed out? No, he couldn't do that. Louis needed to sit down, but his legs had apparently decided to not cooperate and take him to the bed. 

His breathing became shaky and his chest constricted so tightly he feared he would stop breathing. Suddenly he saw a pair of feet appear in his blurry vision. Was he having a heart attack? Was that it? Is what why his heart was beating so fucking fast? He could hear a faint voice penetrering through the hazy maze he was in, though he couldn't make out what they were saying. But that didn't matter to him cause at that moment he was fairly certain that he was going to die.

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