Fifty Seven

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So there you go, a pretty short chapter 🤷‍♀️. We are moving in a few days and havent packed shit yet lol. Its the 28th btw if you were wondering. I know, even the universe is a Larrie!

"I'm so glad we're going bowling instead, it's way too cold. I think my fingers might fall off," Louis said and pulled his coat tighter around his body.

Zayn rolled his eyes, "it's not that cold. But yeah, me too. I've never played and I don't think the snow will do me any favors," Louis hummed. They had all decided to spend their Saturday afternoon at the bowling alley instead since the first snow had fallen and none of them was feeling like walking around in the cold for a few hours. Except Niall of course but he would do anything for golf. The snow melted under their trainers until they reached the entrance and Louis stopped in his tracks.

"Open the door," Zayn said impatiently from behind him.

"It's too cold. You do it. My hands will get stuck," he said and stuffed them in his pocket before moving aside to let an annoyed Zayn open the heavy door. "They should just get slide doors everywhere. It's 2020, like come on," Louis huffed as he walked into the brightly lit hallway, the warm air surrounding him.

"Yeah its 2020, evolution has taken away your arms quite yet so quit complaining so much." They walked down the yellow hallways and Louis decided to send Harry a text when he didn't see them anywhere while Zayn booked them a lane. Just as he was about to send the text, Niall showed up with Harry trailing behind in a very oversized hoodie so people wouldn't recognize him so easily. Louis wondered how big it would be on him.

He still had the hoodie Harry had given him that one time and Harry hadn't mentioned it so he wasn't planning on giving it back anytime soon cause it was just so warm. And maybe, just maybe Louis wore it when he was feeling a little down but no one has to know that. It wasn't his fault it was so cozy and it still smelled faintly like Harry so he could just close his eyes and imagine that Harry was there to comfort him. He figured that it was a little bit creepy so he chose not to think about it too much.

He liked Harry quite a lot and was really happy they were friends now, but he still thought it was weird to have that relationship with his boss. But a lot of people are friends with their bosses so it can't be that weird, right? But people don't cuddle with their bosses, that's definitely weird. But the thing was Louis really enjoyed being in Harry's arms because then he didn't feel quite as alone. He knew he always had Zayn to talk to and sometimes they would also cuddle but that's not the same. Cause with Zayn. . . well Zayn was just different, he didn't take his mind off Liam like Harry did and he didn't know why that was. He wished it wasn't like that cause then he wouldn't be so confused; but then again, he also wouldn't have that comfort.

He wanted to talk to someone about it but Zayn would just squeal like a schoolgirl if he told him and wouldn't take it seriously. And Niall, wouldt he be a bit . . . biased? Maybe he could ask Chloe. They were friends now, right? She was one of the sweetest people he's ever met so he knew she wouldn't judge her for anything. He had been meaning to ask her to do something with him, cause he still felt incredibly guilty for what happened. Maybe they could go to a club? No, too loud. Maybe a bar?

Louis elbowed Zayn in the ribs when he saw the excited grin on his face, "you look like a creep," he whispered making his friend scowl at him and mumble something under his breath.

"Hey," Louis greeted them as they came over and casted a glance at Zayn to make sure he wasn't acting like a maniac. Thankfully he had pulled himself together and introduced himself to Niall who seemed to have walked through Narnia with his huge fluffy jacket and rosy cheeks. Even Louis coud admit it wasn't that cold. "You came here together?" He asked.

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