Twenty Five

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"Mr.Styles, Mr.Tomlinson passed out"

"What?" That immediately caught his attention. What happened? 

"I don't know what happened sir, he was fine one moment and the next he just fainted" he explained.

"Where is he?" Harry asked him, now worried. What if something was seriously wrong?

"He's in my office, there is a couch there" he explained and started leading the way. Harry rushed after him down the long hallway and into a small office. Louis was laying on the couch with his eyes still shut.

"Did you try to wake him?" He asked  while walking over to him.

"No, I went to get you" Harry crouched down beside him and gently shook him by his shoulders. 

"Louis. Louis, can you hear me?" He called him a couple of times but got no response. He sighed and put his hand on his forehead, he wasn't warm. Harry wasn't quite sure on what to do. He checked his breathing which fortunately was perfectly fine. He contemplated calling an ambulance but realized that maybe that would be too drastic, they didn't even know what's wrong. Maybe he should call his boyfriend so he could come pick hip up. Harry sighed in defeat before turning to Mr.Adams.

"Can you tell me exactly what happened?" He asked.

"Of Course, I was fixing my hair by the sink and he was beside me, then he was about to leave but just fell to the ground. I have no idea what happened."

"And you didn't do anything?"

"No, what was I supposed to do, it happened out of nowhere" he said quite annoyed.

"I meant, did you do anything to trigger him in any way?"

"What do you mean? Why would I do that?"

"I don't know, I just thought- Never mind" Harry was about to get up when he noticed Louis stir a bit. He immediately reacted by calling his name again a little louder and this time he could see his eyes slowly flutter open. He looked around confusedly for a moment before his eyes landed on Mr.Adams and realization seemed to wash over him. He quickly scrambled up to a sitting position, but Harry quickly told him to slow down. Louis looked between Mr.Adams and Harry a couple of times, closing and reopening his mouth like he didn't know what to say.

Harry ordered Mr.Adams to go fetch some water. "What happened?" He finally asked in a soft voice when Mr.Adams had left. Louis' eyes widened and he started fidgeting with his fingers while thinking of what to say. 

"Um, I don't know, I just felt really dizzy," he said. Harry frowned and the crease between his eyebrows deepened. 

"Do you feel alright now?" He glanced towards the door, "did something happen?"

"No, no. Nothing happened. What would happen? I'm good now. I'm so sorry, we can leave now. If you are done here I mean," he quickly rushed out.

Harry pursed his lips. "Alright, do you feel alright to drive or do you want me to call someone to come pick you up?" Harry asked, Louis still looked a bit out of it.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"I can call your boyfriend if you want, or do you think you need a doctor. We can go to the hospital"

"No, no, I'm fine. I don't need to go to a doctor"

"Are you sure because-"

"I'm sure. Now, can we leave, pelase?" He asked just as Mr.Adams came back with two cold bottles of water that he handed over to Harry. 

He unscrewed one of the bottles and handed it to Louis. "And you are sure you can drive?" Harry asked to make sure.

"Why do I have to drive?" Louis asked, confused. And suddenly Harry saw something like panic flash in his eyes and became worried again. "So you can go home and rest" he explained, "relax."

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