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Louis' POV

"How are you feeling?" Zayn asked as Mr.Styles closed the door behind him. Louis didn't answer at first. How was he feeling? He didn't know, all he knew was that he was too exhausted to think of an answer that would ease his friends mind. "I'm good, just a little tired." Zayn let out a profound sigh, "what happened?" he asked. Louis looked up from his lap, "I don't know." Just then Dr.Brown walked through the door making Louis quietly thank God for not having to answer anymore questions.
"How are you feeling?" Louis had to try his best not to glare at him, what's with all the questions? But he was only doing his job so he forced a smile on his face and answered hoping to just get this over with so he could go home and sleep for the next week or so. "I'm feeling better, thanks. Just a bit tired." Dr.Brown nodded. "Do you have a headache or feel dizzy?" 
"Do you have a stomachache?"
"Do you feel any pain at all?"
"Wonderful! Now, when was the last time you ate?" Louis was quite for a moment as he thought back on the past few days. When was the last time he ate? That was a great question! But it was hard to think with two pairs of eyes staring intently at him. He swallowed. "Um, two days ago, I think," he said, unsure.
"And what did you eat?"
The Doctor did not seem pleased at all. "That's not food, when was the last time you had a proper meal?"
"I don't remember," Louis mumbled quietly. In the corner of his eyes he could see Zayn put his head in his hands but ignored it as the guilt in his gut started to become overbearing. "Where is Liam?" He asked instead. Dr.Brown shook his head with a troubled look on his face but Zayn interrupted him before he even had a chance to begin speaking. "He is not here," he said with a deep frown on his face. "Why not? I thought you had his number?" He looked questioning at Dr.Brown.
"We do, but he did not answer his phone, that's why we rang Mr.Malik," he explained.
"Oh," Louis frowned. "Um, when can I go home?" He then asked with a deep sigh, completely and utterly jaded. The Doctor and Zayn shared a glance before Zayn cleared his throat, "you're coming home with me," he said with a gentle but stern voice. Before Louis had time to object, Dr.Brown continued, "when we were examining you I noticed some concerning bruises and scars. If you go back to living with Mr.Payne I have to report him to the police." Louis' heart dropped and the iron ball in his stomach only grew heavier. "What why?" He asked in bewilderment. "He hasn't done anything!" Louis exclaimed loudly, on the verge of panic. He couldn't leave Liam, that was impossible, wasn't going to happen. Ever! 
"Louis," the Doctor started carefully, "these bruises, some of them are fairly new," Louis looked at him with wide eyes as he continued. "And we have reason to believe that Mr.Payne is responsible for this," he watched as he frantically shook his head. "No, no! He didn't do anything. I told you- I already said that, I told you he didn't do anything!" He yelled as his eyes welled up in panicked tears. "What have you done!" He asked and looked at Zayn accusingly. "I want to go home!" He cried and climbed off the bed. Zayn had to will his own tears down as he watched his friend cry like a lost child. 
Zayn got up from his chair and engulfed Louis in a hug as he trashed around in his arms. "I'm going home, I'm not, I won't, I am going home. I am calling Liam and he will pick me up! Where is my phone? I have to go home!" He ranted on as he tried to get out of Zayn's grip, but that didn't go any further as he refused to let go of his frantic friend. "Calm down Louis, just let the Doctor explain everything first," he tried to reason, but Louis didn't seem to hear a word that he was saying, "I need to go home, Liam is probably worried! I have to go. I need my phone! Did I leave it in the office?  What time is it?" He frantickly asked and looked between Zayn and Dr.Brown. "I need to get home. He is probably wondering where I am."
Louis' breathing became quicker by the second and Zayn didn't know what to do to calm his friend down. He just kept his arms around him and eventually he stopped fighting back. He was relieved just for a second before tears started to rush down Louis' face as he sobbed into Zayn's shoulder. "I want to go home. Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this to me?" Zayn only tightened his arms around him and gently rubbed his back until his cries had died down a bit. "I'm sorry," he whispered," it was all he could say. Because he was so fucking sorry for not getting Louis out of there sooner. He was so fucking sorry that Louis couldn't see everything Liam had put him through. And he was so fucking sorry for not helping his friend; for not knowing how to help his friend when he clearly needed someone there. 
Louis sniffled and sat down on the bed again with Zayn right beside him when the Doctor cleared his throat making Louis jump where he sat. He had completely forgotten that he was there. "I am really sorry Louis but these bruises, they are all signs of abuse," Louis lifted his head from Zayn's shoulder and was about to object but Dr.Brown held up his hand, "if you choose to go home to Mr.Payne I am obliged to call the police and there will be an investigation. If you go with Mr.Malik here you can choose to press charges but I won't have to do so since you are no longer in danger," he explained calmly.
"But he hasn't done anything," he said in a quiet voice, "he isn't abusive,"  he said and started to get worked up again. "You can go home to him, it's your choice, but if you do just know that there will most certainly be an investigation." He sat quietly for a moment thinking everything over. If he went home Liam might end up in jail, if he went with Zayn then Liam would be furious when he finally got home. Maybe he wouldn't even want to talk to him anymore, but that's fine. At Least he won't go to jail. And if everything turns out good, then he can move back home soon enough, if Liam isn't too mad. 
"Fine, I'll go with you."

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