Sixty Three

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Okay so I got twitter if you wanna follow me or something, its @rbbondagebear.

"You know what we should do?" Louis asked with his legs dangling off the counter top as he watched Harry grab way too many pots and pans for a two person meal. Louis had offered over and over again to help but Harry always insisted that he do it, saying that it was his house so he should be the one to treat. Louis thought that was stupid and he should just let him help, he felt a little bad knowing he'll go thorugh so much trouble everytime he went over to Harrys place.

"What?" He asked distractedly as he cut the carrots into little cubes.

"Go to my place"


"Cause it's a lot warmer, here I'm always cold," Louis compalined.

"You could've just said that and I would've turned up the thermostat."

"Or we could go to my place so you know, you could get to know Zayn or something," he shrugged. "You can't change the temperature in your own home," he rolled his eyes cause sometimes Harry was so thoughtful Louis didn't know what to do. He obviously couldn't just waltz into Harry's home and just change stuff to his liking, that's just common sense that Harry either didn't have or was way too nice. Probably a mix of both. "Oh and then I could cook you dinner"

Harry looked at him with raised eyebrows, his lips twitching the slightest bit upwords to a little smirk before moving to stand between Louis' legs, leaning down so their foreheads were touching. Louis wanted to reach out and touch his hair, so he did. It was as soft as it looked and now he really wanted to braid it. Maybe he'll ask him about it someday, not right now though cause all he could focus on at the moment was Harry's hot breath fanning over his face and those deep green eyes that had opened the shackles that had held Louis' heart for so long. Long enough for him to fear leaving the cell he'd grown to call home but slowly he began to realize that maybe the outside world wasn't all that bad. Zayn had called it 'Rapunzel syndrome', Louis called it moving on. Those lips that had helped Louis take his first steps out in the open, letting him see a new light for the first time in many years. He snaked his arms around his neck and pulled him closer and connected their lips, his stomach twirling as Harry licked into his mouth. Louis closed his eyes, his arms wrapped around Harry's broad shoulders.

He had thought alot about his talk with Harry and while wanted and I mean really wanted to call him his boyfriend he also knew that he couldn't do that just yet. Harry hadn't said anything and he didn't want to bring it up in case he had changed his mind and only stuck around until Louis realized that he was just being nice. What would he do then? He knew he should stop thinking like that, he had reassured him that he wanted them to be together but they needed to give it some time, but Louis couldn't help the thoughts from keeping him up at night, or striking him with a new, stronger force of confusion and uncertainty when he was typing away on his computer when he would let his mind wonder for just a second. Couldn't help it when he started doubting this whole thing because no matter how hard he tried he couldn't help but fear what was out there, longing for the safety off the darkness, but he didn't want to tell Harry that just to make him worry all over again.
Okay, maybe he should see someone.

He had promised him to give them a shot without always planning his escape to when everything eventually fell apart but that was easier said than done. Not a day went by without Louis having to distract himself from those thoughts, if someone like Liam could see that he was nothing to have then so would Harry even though he keeps telling himself that that isn't true. Sometimes he just wanted to crawl inside Harry's heart and stay there forever to make sure that no one else could take what's his and finally put his mind at ease, letting his heart rest. He wrapped his legs around Harry's torso to bring him closer as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss.

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