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You didn't think I would leave you like that did you?...heh 😅

Louis had made sure to wake up super early today because he had made it his mission to wake Harry up in the break of dawn to surprise him with what he would call a pretty amazing cake, he was almost 100% sure that Harry would absolutely love cutting into a little puppy. Okay, maybe he shouldn't have chosen jam as a filling but it's Harry's favorite so he'll have to suck it up and cut it anyway. He padded into the kitchen and grabbed the cake he had hidden in one of the cabinets filled with big bowls that nobody really uses. He sneaked back into their bedroom and leaned over Harry deciding to get revenge for every time he had woken up to Harry practically jumping on the bed. 

"Happy birthday Harry!" He yelled into his ear making him bolt out of his sleep, hastily sitting up making Louis drop the cake on the bed. "What?" He rubbed the sleep out with his eyes with a confused frown before looking at Louis then looking at the cake in his lap. Louis straightened his posture and pursed his lips, staring at the mess on the bed for a few moments before he burst out laughing. "Oh my God, I'm really sorry!" He doubled over in laughter, slapping his knee.

Harry stared at him for a few seconds before his brain seemed to finally turn on and he looked at him with an unamused look. He crossed his arms over his chest, "thank you for the cake."

"You're very welcome, that's what you get for waking me up every day," Louis said and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand before grabbing the platter and trying to get as much cake as possible off the duvet. He picked up the biggest chunks and placed them on the plate and tried to get off the cream but it didn't go too well and he ended up smearing it further. He finally gave up with a little huff and held the plate up to his face with a sheepish smile. "Cake?" 

Harry rolled his eyes, repressing the fond smile trying to break out on his face and got off the bed and undid the duvet cover thinking about how he'll get back at Louis for ruining his covers. Wake him up with ice water? No, he would probably get killed in his sleep cause if there were two things Louis hated it was being tired and being cold. He would get all grumpy but tried to play it off and would get that adorable pout on his face that he couldn't hide no matter how hard he tried. He smiled. Okay, maybe it was worth it cause Louis would get all smily and cuddly when Harry carried him to bed.

"I'm sorry," Louis frowned and looked down on the floor when Harry didn't say anything for a while. Harry turned around when he noticed his sad tone and he felt his own smile fall a little. The dropped the cover and grabbed Louis' creamy hands, "What is wrong with you? I love you so much," he said adortion clear in his voice. Louis looked up and smiled a little smile but it didn't reach his eyes making Harys frown deepen. He grabbed a handful of the cake and smeared it out on Louis' shirt making him let out a little gasp. "That's what you get for ruining my birthday cake," he said with a grin.  

Louis soon recovered from his initial shock and his lips tugged up in a mischievous smirk. He grabbed a handful of cake and dumped it on Harrys head. "Hey! It's my birthday, be nice!" Louis smeared it in his hair, fingers tangling in his curls to rid of as much cream as possible from his hands. "Louis, what the hell!" He grabbed Louis' wrists, stopping him from making a bigger mess. "You little shit," Louis giggled trying to wiggle his way out of Harry's grip. "Harry, let go," he whined. 

"No, you're going to pay for this," his fingers found their way under his shirt and tickled his stomach. He burst out in a new fit of laughter, "stop it Harry!" 

"No, you ruined my cake and my hair, don't think youll get away this easily," he said with a grin. "But- but I need to pee," he got out between his laughter. "Don't try that on me Lewis." 

"Please, please," Louis begged. "I'll do anything! I'll wash your hair for you!" Harry stilled for a moment and Louis took this chance to break free and catch his breath, smile still tugging his lips. "Deal," Harry said eventually and Louis grinned. "Great, and that means you can't tickle me again, all week," he squinted his eyes. Harry huffed, "all day." 

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