Forty Four

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People have been complaining about the lack of Larry in this story but I can do whatever the fuck I want soooo FUCK YALL!!
JK I love you😘
Lol it's like 4 am here JK its like 9 pm, Im just weird lol
Please dont leave this story... lol

He tried, he really did but no matter what he did Liam never left his head. All his words kept spinning in Louis' head and he couldn't get them to stop.

Nobody will ever love you the way I do...

I  just want to fix this, you know? But I can't do that if you don't cooperate

I'm doing you a favor staying with you!

And you ask me why I'm always mad at you?

Maybe this will teach you a lesson to appreciate me more

God! Sometimes I wonder why I even bother with you

He fisted his hair at the back of his head and closed his eyes so tightly it hurt, just begging the voice to shut up.  Shut up! Shut up! But he didn't listen, the voice just kept going and Louis started to feel dizzy. He banged his head against the cool tiles hoping he could knock some sense into himself. He kicked the wall and his foot hurt but he didn't feel the pain. Nor did he feel his back burning red with the hot water streaming down his naked body.

There was a knock on the door, "Lou? Are you alright?" Zayn's concerned voice was barely loud enough to get through to Louis' hazy mind. "I'm fine," he called back. "Are you sure? Why were you screaming?" He asked, unconvinced. Louis sighed. He turned off the water so he would hear him better, "I got shampoo in my eyes," he explained. 

"Oh, alright," he didn't seem to believe him but he didn't care. He could not deal with this right now and he didn't want to snap at Zayn, so he turned the water back on and tuned out Zayn's distant voice before getting lost in his head again. But this time he ended up on their couch in Liam's arms in a world where Lindsey simply did not exist. 

Louis was curled up with the thin blanket he had now claimed as his, rewatching 'Friends' for what he thought might be the thousandth time when Zayn joined him on the couch. He sat down beside his jaded friend and looked at the big screen.  "What are you watching?" He asked even though he already knew. Louis slowly turned his head towards him for a moment before looking back at the telly. "Friends". 

"The one with all the resolutions," Zayn read aloud as the familiar intro played. "Oh! I love this episode!" He exclaimed. "It's so funny when Rachel finds out about Monica and Chandler," he laughed. 

"That's in this episode?" He asked, not really caring.

"Yeah, don't you remember, she was like "I'll tell Rachel I'll do laundry" and then he was like "huh, laundry is that my new nickname?" Zayn chuckled.  "This is by far one of the best episodes, he declared.

"Right," Louis shrunk further into the couch a frown now visible on his face. Zayn noticed. "What's wrong?" He asked and placed a hand on his shoulder. Louis flinched away from his touch and crawled over to the other side of the couch before looking at him with wide eyes, "nothings wrong, I'm fine" he murmured before pulling his blanket close to his chin.

He stretched his arms above his head and looked at the window. The sun seeped through the blinds, lightening up the room. He blinked away the tired tears as his brain finally started to wake up. He was supposed to do something. Something he thought about yesterday. Ugh, it's too early for this, he thought and tried his absolute best to remember what the hell he had been so anxious about the day before. And then it hit him. It's fucking monday! He is supposed to be at work, why didn't his alarm go off?

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