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I took one quick look in the mirror before slipping on my shoes, almost tripping over the threshold as I sprinted out the door. I can't believe I overslept again but I just coulndt seem to fall asleep with everything on my mind and waking up nauseous and sleep deprived wasn't really what I would consider a good morning, but maybe that's just me. I probably broke at least fifteen traffic rules on my way but I didn't care, I coulndt be late. Mr.Styles said he would fire me if it happened again and I couldnt fucking afford that right now, but ofcourse with my luck a policecar showed up right beside me, pulling me over. I tried to explain the situation to him but he was having none of it and I ended up accepting that I wouldn't get out of it because I didn't have the time to argue.

When I finally arrived I ran into the building and pressed the elevator button repeatedly, trying to make it go faster but it still somehow took forever before I finally got to the top floor. I made my way to the kitchen and made Mr.Styles' coffee, black no sugar, just like he wants it and rushed over to his office and knocked on the door. I looked at my wrist watch 8.02. Shit! I hope he doesn't notice, or atleast lets it go. But who am I kidding? Of Course he's going to notice. I felt my breath getting caught in my throat as I heard his 'come in'. I stepped in and kicked the door close behind me but tripped over my own feet in the hurry. I stumbled for a bit, my mind going crazy as I watched the dark liquid spill out over his desk and slowly drip down onto the floor. My hands flew up to my mouth as I took a step back in surprise, my heart hammering in my chest as I looked from the mess on the desk to Mr.Styles' face "Oh my God. I am so sorry, I didn't mean to-"

He cut me off, "what is wrong with you? Do you have any idea of what you've done? You just ruined all of my documents!" He yelled as he got up and walked around his desk. He was raging at this point and I struggled to breath as he walked closer to me. I tried to get some air into my lungs but it was nearly impossible with Mr.Styles towering over me. I stumbled back as he took a step closer and leaned against the wall for support. I closed my eyes and just tried to breathe as I felt tears prickle behind my eyelids. It probably only lasted for a couple of seconds but it felt like hours had passed before I finally opened my eyes and sprinted out of the room. I ran back to the kitchen and grabbed a roll off paper towels and hazily cleaned up the mess while trying to even my breathing. There were a few files on his desk that I carefully dabbed so they wouldn't rip and wiped my face with my sleeve. What had I just done? I can't believe I ruined these important papers for him. I can't even complete a simple fucking task, it's no wonder I can't get a job without Liam's help.

I grabbed the wet paper towels and rushed to the bathrooms down the hall and threw them away before locking the door. I sank to the floor with my back against the door and finally let my tears flow freely. I tried to calm my ragged breathing, I didn't want anyone here hearing me. God, that was so humiliating. I rested my head on my knees as my chest heaved up and down with my sobs. I can't believe I embarrassed myself like that, I can't believe I just did that. What if he fires me now? What if I just ruined some very important contract? I picked up my phone with shaky hands and pressed Liams contact, just needing him to talk to me, to calm me down. But he didn't pick up. I called him again. No answer. I let out a shaky breath as I felt the panic begin so steer in me again.

Harry's POV

"What is wrong with you? Do you have any idea of what you've done? You've ruined all of my documents!" I yelled as I got up and walked over to him. Maybe it was a little harsh but I didn't care, they couldn't just walk in here and think that I'll just let shit go because of their fun little act. No. I'm done with that shit. Though he did seem a little out of it, he was breathing really hard and I was starting to get just a little worried. They weren't even that important papers, I could just print new ones, but he didn't know that. He really should be more careful and stop thinking that I'll take pity on him or some shit. I don't know what he's playing at but I don't like it. I sighed, I just can't handle this right now. I took a step closer, about to dismiss him but that seemed to snap him out of it. He stumbled into the wall and just stood there breathing heavily and I wasn't sure on what to do. Do I wait for him to chill the fuck out or should I say something? I wanted to reach out for him but figured that would be a bit weird and probably just 'trigger' him further. I wanted to scoff but refrained.

After a moment he finally opened his eyes and just as I was about to ask him about it, he bolted out of the room, soon returning with a bunch of paper towels in his hand. He quickly whipped down the mess on my desk and cleaned the floor before running out of my office again. I frowned. What the heck was that? Did he want me to follow him? I was tempted to just get back to work and forget about all this but what if he had an actual problem? He didn't seem so fake. But then again, neither did she.

I peeked my head around the corner and saw him lock himself in the bathroom. He stayed there for quite a while and I was getting impatient. I walked over there and was taken aback by the muffled cries I could hear from all the way over here, and it wasn't one of those shallow cires, he sounded like he was being choked, like he wasn't getting enough air and I was starting to get seriously worried. Had I really made him cry like that? My stomach churned and I suddenly felt nauseous. I wanted to help him, ask him what's wrong but I shouldn't. I couldn't.

I went back to my office but left the door slightly ajar. Almost half an hour later I finally saw him emerge back from the bathrooms. He rubbed his nose and took a seat behind the computer and kept working like nothing happened. Should I say something? Should I send him home? No, I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts. If he wanted a break he should have said something himself, though he didn't really seem like the person to jusk ask for things. 

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