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I woke up with a stiff neck, I looked around the room and realized I was on the couch. I haven't really gotten much sleep after yesterday's fight, I stayed up most of the night thinking about what I could do, but nothing came to mind. The only thing I knew for sure was that I had to get my shit together if I didn't want Liam to leave me. But I didn't know how. I didn't know what to do to fix this mess. 

I got up and headed over to the bathroom, I was still in my shirt and jeans. I took a quick shower and wrapped a towel around my waist before grabbing my dirty clothes and padded over to our bedroom. I hadn't even bothered coming here yesterday cause I knew he'd be mad. I gently knocked on the door, I wasn't sure he wanted to see me first thing in the morning at the moment. It was quiet on the other side, he was probably asleep, I opened the door carefully and threw my clothes in the hamper before walking over to our closet and picking out some trackies and one of Liam's hoodies. 

I decided to go make breakfast for us since he probably would wake up soon, I mean it was almost noon. I made some scrambled eggs on toast and made some coffee for Liam and set the table. I went to call Liam and we ate in silence, he kept glancing at me all throughout the meal, but there was something in his eyes I couldn't quite pinpoint but the atmosphere in the room felt almost eerie as his eyes locked with mine. 

I averted my gaze and looked down at where I was picking on my eggs with a fork. 

The rest of the day was spent like that, in weird silenses, and I didn't quite know what to do. It wasn't the same kinda silence like Mr.Styles, with him it was more like awkward cause we didn't really know where we stood and what we could and couldn't do considering he's my boss. Now, with Liam it's more like he doesn't want to talk to me and I don't know what to say to make him change his mind. I don't want to upset him any further. 

When the evening came around I was laying on our couch and decided to call Zayn, but I obviously couldn't do that here, so I told Liam that I was going grocery shopping and called him in the car. 

I told him about our fight last night and how I didn't know what to do. He told me that I could stay with him tonight so we could talk, but I didn't think that was such a good idea. But he still wanted to meet up, so we decided to meet at a café in the mall close to the grocery store so I could go there straight after, so Liam didn't get suspicious. 

I got to the small café and looked around, Zayn wasn't there yet so I took a seat at a corner table and ordered a tea for myself and a hot chocolate for Zayn. I sipped on my tea when I heard the door open and Zayn stepp in. He smiled when he saw me and walked over. I returned the gesture and stood up so I could hug him. I realized that this was the first time meeting him in almost three years. When we sat down again we made small talk about nothing in particular as we sipped on our drinks. But then he decided to ask me about him. "So will you tell me what happened?" He asked carefully, like he knew I didn't really want to talk about it. But I nodded anyway. I told him what happened, that he was mad because I stayed with Mr.Styles and then I was going to apologize as soon as I got home but there was some girl there and then about what Liam told me, how scared I was that I was going to lose him. 

Zayn's eyes darkened and he just looked at me quietly for a while with a clenched jaw. I was scared he would get mad at me too. I played with my fingers as he carefully examined my face. His expression softened quite a bit when he saw how anxious I was.

"I don't think you have to worry, I'm sure he'll understand if you explain it to to him" he tried to reassure me, but it didn't work at all, "I have, I told him that there was no other rooms available so I told Mr.Styles I could go to some other place but he said no and I didn't want him to get mad so I went with him and now Liam
Is mad at me" I told him. 

"Why would he get mad at you?" He asked, confused.

"Because I shared a room with another man!" 

"No, I ment Styles" 


"Why would he get mad if you decided to go somewhere else?"

"Because I said no. He's the boss, I have to do as he says. That's my job," I explained.

"No, your job is to assist him at work, he can't make you share a room with him if you don't want to. You could've said no."

"No I couldn't, because what if he got mad and fired me?"

"Why would he get mad in the first place?"

"Because I said no!" 
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Louis, he can't fire you for not wanting to share a room, he can't tell you what to do outside of work"

"I know, but he's the boss, he can literally do whatever he wants, and I can't do anything about that"

"What are you talking about? If he makes you do shit that makes you uncomfortable, you should quit" he told me.

"I can't just quit, we need the money, we hardly got by because I lost my last job over something so stupid"

"What do you mean? What happened? I thought you worked at a law firm."

"Yeah I did," I said and looked down at my hands. "My boss wanted to have sex with me but I didn't want to so he said he would fire me so I quit, and then Liam obviously got mad and I couldn't find a job so Liam got me an interview with Mr.Styles and I don't want that to happen again," I told him as I played with my fingers.

"What the fuck Louis. That's assault! He can't seriously blame you for getting sexually harassed!" He looked totally outrageous. 

"No, you don't understand, if I hadn't acted like that, this would never have happened," I told him, guilt clear in my voice.

"How can you say that, Louis, listen to me. I don't care what happened, it wasn't your fault!"

I was a bit taken aback by his outburst and flinched as he raised his voice, I looked around and saw a few people looking at us and I bit my lip anxiously. Zayn sighed and took my hand. 

"Look, I don't know what really happened or the slightest thing about Harry Styles, or what is going on with you and Liam, but I want you to know that I really want what's best for you. And I really don't think he is good for you. You aren't-"

I didn't want to listen to what he had to say, he would just tell me to leave Liam, but I didn't want to lose Zayn again. My head started to spin and I had to get out of there. I quickly stood up so the chair hit the wall behind me pretty forcefully.
"I have to go," I told him, and with that I was out the door.

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