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I anxiously bit my nails as the phone rang. It seemed to drag on forever until I finally heard his voice.

"Hello, Louis?" He asked. He sounded kinda surprised, I would be too if my ex-best friend just called me up after almost three years of not speaking.

"Yeah, hi Zayn. It's me" I said and my gaze kept fleeting across the room. I knew he couldn't see me but I couldn't help but to feel nervous. What if he didn't want to be my friend anymore? My eyes landed on Mr.Styles who I had totally forgotten about. I quickly got up and slipped on a pair of slippers the hotel provided before walking out to the hallway.

The line was quiet for a while and I just heard his calm breathing before he spoke up.

"How've you been? I've missed you" he said, the sincerity clear in his voice. I could feel my eyes start to get misty at that, I had missed him so much.

"Yeah, I've- I've been good. I actually just got a job at Styles Empire. Yeah I'm Harry Styles' assistant. For like just over a month now I think" I said as I quickly blinked my eyes. It was just so nice to hear his voice again.

"What? You work under the Harry Styles? That's crazy! What's he like?" I chuckled a bit at his excitement, I knew that Harry Styles had always been his man crush although it's Mr.Styles for me now I guess.

"He's not that bad actually. I mean he could be alot worse. He's pretty strict but that's about it I think. My last boss was a lot worse, that's why I quit actually." I said, walking down the hallway to the lobby in front of the elevators and sat down on one of the armchairs there.

"What about you? How have you been?" I asked. And then he went on about himself for a while and it felt just like before. I told him about the tripp and that I'm sharing a room with Mr.Styles. He almost freaked out making me giggle. I had missed this, just talking to him like we used to but then he asked me about Liam.

"So are you two still together? He had asked.

"Yes we are, he was actually the one who got me the interview. Said he knows someone here" I said, waiting for his answer. I didn't want him to get upset again and tell me to break up. Then Liam would just be proven right.

"Oh, how are things then? You good?" He asked like it was no big deal and I felt relieved that he didn't say anything.

"No, I actually think he will break up with me when I get back" I said, cursing under my breath for getting emotional again. I've cried so much lately, I feel like that's all I do.

"No, why would you think that? You're probably just worrying over nothing" he tried to reassure me but I didn't believe him. He didn't know what I had done and I didn't want to tell him.

"Yeah maybe, but I don't really want to talk about it." I told him.

He hummed in understanding, "that's alright, but you know you can talk to me about anything, right? I know we haven't talked in forever but I've still known you since we were seven and I really want to go back to what we were. I miss having my best friend with me" he said.

A huge smile grew on my face at that, "six, and you don't know how relieved I am that you say that," I told him. "I was afraid you wouldn't wanna be my friend anymore"

He scoffed like I said the most ridiculous thing ever. "Don't be stupit Lou, who wouldn't want to be friends with you? I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too," then we went on and kept talking and catching up on the lost time, taking my mind off Liam. Many people came in and out of the elevators as we talked, some of them giving me weird looks.

When we finally hung up I was in a much better mood with a grin on my face. I looked at the time and realized that it was almost five o'clock. We had been talking for almost four hours. I was starting to get hungry but didn't really want to eat. I had grown used to the empty stomach and the hunger felt kinda good. I went back to the room and sat down in the corner of the couch again. My mind kept drifting back to Liam now that I didn't have Zayn to distract me so I grabbed my laptop and looked for some movie on 'Netflix' to keep myself busy.

I ended up scrolling through the movies like five different times before settling for Spiderman. When the movie came close to an end I saw Mr.Styles get up from the bed and picked up the phone on the desk.

"I'm ordering dinner now, do you want any?" He asked. I hesitantly nodded and he handed me the menu. I quickly skimmed over it and decided on lobster ravioli. Mr.Styles dialed the number and ordered that along with his shrimp salad. I went back to my movie and just in time to the credits, there was a knock on the door. Mr.Styles went to get it and a young woman in a white blouse and skirt rolled in a cart with the food before leaving again.

Mr.Styles took his food and sat down at the desk so I rolled the cart over to the couch and used it as a table. I placed my laptop on the cart and started the second movie before starting on my food. It was really good but I couldn't eat that much without starting to feel slightly sick. I got full really quickly and decided to finish it later. I covered the ravioli with the plate that had held the salad and went back to watching the movie with the laptop on my lap instead.

Eventually the movie ended and I had nothing to do. I could always watch something else but I was becoming restless. I usually had a lot more to do. Wake up, go to work, come home, cook, clean up and go to bed. Just sitting around all day was just something I wasn't used to but I didn't know what to do in this strange city, I didn't have a car to take me anywhere and I didn't know any places to go and frankly I didn't want to go anywhere alone. I wished Liam was here, then we could've discovered the city together. I sighed and put on the third Spiderman movie to get my mind off Liam again and thankfully it worked.

The movie ended and I diverted my eyes to the corner of the screen to see that it was almost 9.00 pm. Mr.Styles had left the room a while ago, I didn't know where he was but I hoped it took a while before he came back. I grabbed the remote and started the TV before sitting down on the edge of bed. I went through the channels until I found a decent enough show. What a waste of day I thought as I made myself comfortable on the bed. I moved further back so I was leaning against the headboard with alot of pillows behind my back. This was by far more comfortable than the couch.

I watched the show go on for a while until I heard the click of the key card. Mr.Styles opened the door and came in before I had a chance to react. I quickly got off the bed and scrambled to the couch but he didn't even throw me a glance, just grabbed a towel and went to the bathroom. I noticed that he was kinda sweaty so I assumed he went to the hotel gym.

I was scrolling through my phone when he got out, his hair was dripping wet, soaking the collar of his blue sweater. He dried his hair with a little towel he held in his hand. It didn't look like the ones in the bathroom so it probably was his own.

I curled up on the couch and pulled the blanket over me and closed my eyes, but didn't sleep. I didn't want to fall asleep before him so when he switched off the lights and went to bed himself I got my phone out under the blanket. I felt like a kid hiding from their mom at night. When I was sure that he was totally out I put my phone away and went to sleep.

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