Sixty Two

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"So Louis," Zayn started to catch Louis' attention.  

"Mm," he looked up from his phone. "What?" 

"Did you think about it?" He asked, carefully not wanting to push Louis. 

"Mm, think about what?" 

"Okay give me that," he snatched the phone out of Louis' hands. 

"Hey! Give that back. Zayn! Seriously, what is wrong with you?" He held the phone behind his back and layed down on the couch, stopping Louis from getting it.  

"Let's talk first." 

"Ugh fine, what do you want?" 

"Did you think about getting a therapist?" He asked again.  

Louis sighed, "maybe, I don't know. I mean, maybe. I could go but not now, I don't think."  

Zayn smiled, not expecting that response, he thought that he would straight up refuse like he had done every other time Zayn had brought up the subject. Louis had just gotten annoyed and refused to even talk about it, getting defensive saying that he had no problem whatsoever, therefore he has absolutely no reason to go.

Now though, when he had a little time to think, he figured it might not be the worst idea after all. He was extremely hesitant at the beginning because he didn't want someone to talk him out of the feelings he had for Liam, to judge and pick apart his relationship. That would be like throwing away the last three years of his life and he just couldn't do that. Now though, he figured that he might give it a try, he realized that he didn't think that much about Liam anymore. Of Course he sometimes pops into his head, hitting him with a new wave of guilt, but not often enough to consume his entire mind. He still didn't want to talk about it, maybe in a little while. "Really? Oh okay. Great! Whenever you're ready. In the meanwhile I'll get you the best therapist so you can start right away. When you're ready of course, just tell me and I'll-" 

"Okay, calm your tits. Thanks and all but can you give me my phone back now please?" Yeah, he had agreed to maybe see a therapist in the future but he still wasn't excited about it.. Just the thought of talking about everything made him anxious beyond belief, not that he didn't know how he felt. He had a pretty clear picture on what he wanted to say and just get out there but he knew for a fact that it would be really hard so he wasn't really looking forward to it. Scientists should really invest in a mind reading machine, everything would be so much easier, though everyone would probably hate him if they knew about his bitchy comments so maybe it was for the best. It wasn't his fault everyone was so annoying.  

"Yeah, of course. Just let me know and-" 

"Please don't make a big deal about this," Louis whined. 

"But it is, Louis this is a huge-" 

"It's not a big deal," he said more seriously this time. 

Zayn pursed his lips, "okay no big deal" 

"You're smiling, say it without smiling" 

"It's not a big deal" 

"Thank you," Louis nodded and grabbed his phone before heading to the bedroom and got back to texting Niall. As soon as he left the room a huge smile spread across Zayns face, Louis was finally getting better and he was so happy he could cry. But he won't cause it's no big deal. No big deal. 

Niall had told him a couple of days ago that he had 'grown close to' Chloe for a while and Louis had to restrain from rolling his eyes. Actually no he didn't, he rolled his eyes so hard he feared they would get stuck in the back of his head cause he was at home but still, he didn't know they were trying to keep it a secret cause he found it very obvious. Apparently they wanted to keep it professional at work but they don't even work in the same department, that would be a much bigger issue for him and Harry. Now that he thinks about it, he's not sure what Niall actually does.  

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