Fifty Six

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I was gonna play with your emotions and say that Ill end the story here but Im not gonna do that...

No but seriously, thanks you for your patience and I'll try to upload  as much as I can but that might not be that much atm but ill get back to updating regularly soon :)

Love you all 😘✌


Breath in

Breath out 

Breath in

Breath out

Breath in

Breath out

Louis gulped past the huge lump in his throat before finally opening the door with a shaky hand. He decided that it would be best not to think too hard about it, just go in, answer a couple of questions and leave. Zayn had offered many times to come with him and even though he would love his support right now Louis couldn't bring himself to do it. He couldn't bring Zayn of all people to the meeting that might decide Liam's future. They hadn't had a proper talk since before he got hospitalized. He had no idea what Liam was thinking, if he even knew that Louis had talked to the police.

The frost crunched under his feet as he made his way towards the black metal door. You could see the paint scraped off in some places beneath the square window from the old age of the building. When he entered the first thing he saw was a middle aged man behind a desk. He smiled politely and Louis walked over to him, not quite sure what to do next.

"Um, hi. I'm supposed to meet officer Andersen. I'm not sure where to go," he said in a shaky voice. 

"What time were you supposed to meet him, I think he is in another meeting right now," he explained. He had kind eyes Louis noticed.

"Oh, um at 03pm" he said and started tapping his foot on the floor, why was this taking so long? 

"Well there is still about 10 minutes left so why don't you wait here and I'll inform him when he's done."

What is this, a fucking doctors apointment?

"Okay," Louis nodded and took a seat on the blue couch beside the desk. Why had he gotten here so early? He could have waited in the car! And what is he meeting about? He's a fucking police? Or was it a detective? He couldn't remember, he had talked to quite a few people over the phone and it's pretty hard memorising names when you can't put a face to them. What do they need to meet about? Ugh! His stomach churned and he closed his eyes, trying to calm down.


Louis shook his hand and took a seat in front of the old wooden table as Mr.Andersen started a camera and took a seat on the other side of the table. "Can you repeat your full name and today's date?" He asked with a sympathetic smile. 

"Louis William Tomlinson. October second, 2020," he said trying not to keep his voice as steady as possible. 

"Mr.Tomlinson, you're in for questioning to testify for accusations of abuse from Mr.Liam James Payne." Louis nodded, not really sure what to say. "I'm going to ask you a series of questions, all your answers will be considered in Mr.Payne's case. We will start off with a few general questions about your relationship, alright?" He said with a small smile.

Louis nodded again, "okay."

"You and Mr.Payne were in a romantic relationship, correct?"


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