Fifty Nine

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Okeee I just got my internet back after like 10 days, thats why the update is late :)))))))))

Louis blinked, his sleep deprived eyes feeling dry as he tried to wake himself up. "You have to finish the report on Mr. Dickson."

"Okay," he nodded, his brain still not fully functioning. 

"And select the participants for the new head of finance." 

"Okay," he should definitely get more sleep. 

"Don't forget to prepare for the meeting this afternoon" 

"Okay," maybe see a doctor? 

"Oh, and can you resend me the files that we discussed during yesterday's breakfast meeting, I seem to have lost them" 

"Okay," he could really use some pills. Sleeping pills that is, none of them drugs. Louis doesn't do that. He scrunched his nose at the thought. 

"And would you maybe want to go on a date with me?" 

"Okay," though he did drugs a couple of times in college, but that was Zayn's drugs, not his own so it doesn't really count- Wait what? Im sorry, pardon, did he hear that right? What is going on? Is his brain melting? He should really see a doctor. 

"Great," a huge grin spread across Harry's face and Louis still wasn't completely sure that he heard that right. A date? Him? With Harry? That didn't make any sense. But he already said yes, didn't he. He needs to lay down. 

"Okay," Louis said with a crooked smile before exiting the office as soon as possible. He hadn't even thought about dating, let alone dating Harry Styles. Not that he didn't want to, he just couldn't let those thoughts into his brain without feeling sick with guilt, like he somehow was betraying Liam. He decides to send Zayn a quick text, wanting his opinion of the matter.

From Louis: Harry asked me on a date 

From Louis: And i think i said yes 

He saw Zayn typing for a long time, waiting in anticipation for his reaction, though he would probably just have a fangirl attack. Maybe telling Zayn wasn't the best idea. Finally a blue bubble popped onto his screen, followed by another. 

From Zayn: 😌 

From Zayn: Cool 

Cool? What does he mean cool? What is cool? Nothing about this is cool. It's the opposite of cool. What even is the opposite of cool? Hot. No okay, that sounds weird. Uncool? Is that even a word? All Louis knows is that it's not cool! Louis can feel his heart beating in his throat and he's not even sure why this time. 

From Louis: ?? 

From Zayn: Where are u going? 

Why isn't he freaking out? He's been obsessed with him for years and this is his reaction? What is going on with the world today? 

From Louis: Idk 

From Zayn: But u wanna go, right? 

From Louis: Idk? 

From Louis: I guess? 

From Zayn: U know u dont have to go right? 

From Louis: I KNOW THAT 


Why did he do that? Coffee. He should really start drinking more coffee. Louis finally understands why he drinks that black acid every morning, with how much he works it's no wonder he needs an energy boost. 

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