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Louis POV

I gently pushed the blanket down from my face and immediately shut my eyes as the sunlight hit my face. I peered my eyes back open and slowly got off the couch, stretching my legs and arms over my head. I yawned and looked around the room for Mr.Styles but he was nowhere to be seen. I padded over to the bathroom to freshen up and shower. We would be going back to London today and I still hadn't talked to Liam. I didn't know what to do, did I just go home? What if he doesn't want to talk to me. I knew this job was a bad idea but Mr.Styles doesn't seem that bad actually, I mean sure, he's a little rude but I realized that he hadn't actually done anything bad; yet.

I stepped out of the shower and realized that I forgot to grab my clothes. I let out a small groan before wrapping a towel around my waist and unlocking the door. I opened the door, just a little bit and peered my head out to see if Mr.Styles was back, luckily he wasn't so I quickly padded over to my bag and grabbed my clothes before returning to the bathroom. I quickly changed into the same suit jacket and skinny jeans as yesterday before I started styling my hair.

I stepped back into the room and saw Mr.Styles sitting fully dressed at the edge of the bed, texting someone on his phone. He looked up at me when he heard the door open and smiled at me. "Good morning, I was just about to go get some breakfast, you coming? Or we could order up, if you'd like." To say that I was shocked was an understatement, I was at a complete loss of words. Why is he being so nice? I think this is the first time he's smiled at me or been the first one to greet me. Not once had he answered my greeting at the office, why is he being nice now? I realized that I hadn't answered his question yet, but the thing was I didn't really want to eat. I usually never ate breakfast and lately I've been skipping lunch as well, I had gotten so used to only one meal a day that I didn't feel that hungry anymore. But I obviously couldn't tell him that. "No, it's fine, we can go down and eat," I told him. He nodded and got up before grabbing his key card and heading towards the door.

We rode down the elevator in a kinda awkward silence but it wasn't like the other times, like I couldn't breath and felt like just melting into a puddle and seeping through to the underground. This time it was more like neither of us knew what to say, so I just stood there, my gaze fleeting around the little space, not really knowing what to focus on. But eventually the elevator came to a stop and we walked over to the restaurant in silence. There was a big breakfast buffet at display and I could practically feel my mouth watering.

I grabbed a plate from the huge stack before making my way over to the buffet. There was a whole variety of food but I just decided on some scrambled eggs with bacon and some toast and tea. I hadn't had tea in a long time I realized, I preferred it over coffee but we just never seemed to have it at home, or in the office for that matter. They should definitely get tea, I thought as I made my way over to a little table by a window. Mr.Styles took a seat in front of me and the awkward silence set again. I finished my food in silence but noticed Mr.Styles glancing at me all throughout the breakfast and when I caught him looking he would just give me an awkward little smile and then just continue eating. Really, everything about that breakfast was just purely awkward.

We went back to our room to pack our stuff since the car would be here to pick us up soon. I just messily threw everything into my bag (since I propably wouldn't sleep at home tonight anyways and really wasn't in the mood to sitt there and think about all my stupid mistakes while folding a bunch of half dirty clothes I will propably be wearing for the next few days) and went to zip it but it wouldn't close. I tried leaning over it with a hand on top to try to press my stuff together but that didn't work either. Eventually I gave up with a little huff and sat back on the floor beside my bag, my arms crossed over my chest and pouted. I heard Mr.Styles chuckle somewhere behind me and could feel my face heat up as I looked over at him folding his clothes neatly before placing them in his duffle bag. I took out some of the stuff and kinda folded them half assed before putting them back in the bag and zipping it, successfully this time.

We made our way to the parking lot where the same car as before waited on us. The driver got out when he saw us approaching and opened the trunk and loaded our bags in while we got into the car. The ride to the airport was prettys short which was lucky because I realized that we were running late. We quickly grabbed our stuff and rushed into the busy airport and over to the gate our plane was at. We got on and took the same place as before, except on opposite sides this time.

I'm not sure why but I felt a lot more comfortable this time. I had tried to stay away from him as much as possible so the incident doesn't repeat itself and I was really surprised when I realized that it probably wouldn't happen. I don't know what convinced me that he's probably pretty harmless, at least in that aspect, I mean he is still super intimidating and scary and could literally fire me for the smallest mistakes but I don't think he'll ever try to force himself on me like Mr.Adams did. I mean if he wanted to do that, this week was the perfect opportunity but nothing happened. Which I am very grateful for of course, I just hope he doesn't change his mind. Liam would absolutely lose his mind.

I glanced over at Mr.Styles and saw him reading a book called 'My Policeman'. Or I assumed that was what he was reading considering that's the book I've seen laying around all week. He was a very slow reader, I must say, he was like half way through when I first saw him read it and he still has a lot of it left.

The plane had lifted off the ground and we were now above the clouds. I closed my eyes and tried to relax a bit as fatigue washed over me and my mind started to drift. I thought about my time with Liam and how it's now coming to an end, how Zayn's probably going to be over the moon when he finds out, even though he acted like he didn't care that we were still together. I know he blames him for us drifting apart. I thought about how I just should've gotten another job, one where I wouldn't work under a very intimidating man all day and have to spend so much alone time together.Just so I could catch a fucking break. It really is exhausting to be on the edge all day long and then go home to take care of your love.

But this trip really wasn't as bad as I anticipated, well except getting Liam mad at me that is. I barely slept the first nights, always waiting for him to fall asleep first. It had been nice to have the afternoon to myself, even though I didn't do anything.

I snapped my eyes open when I realized that I fell asleep on the bed yesterday. Why did I wake up on the couch? He must've woken me up when he got back and I just don't remember it because I was like half asleep. Yeah, that must be it. God, This is so embarrassing, I can't believe I fell asleep on his bed! Or maybe I woke up before he even came back and went over to the couch. I was really hoping it's the latter. Fuck. Why don't I remember this?

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes again, trying to get some sleep but I just didn't feel tired anymore. I sighed and just stared out the window, though there wasn't much to watch. I thought about the conversation I was going to have with Liam. He certainly wouldn't be happy when he finds out that I spent the whole week with him. I felt a slight sting behind my eyes, trying to keep my tears from falling. I gulped down the lump in my throat and let out a shaky breath, hoping Mr.Styles didn't notice my distress. I don't know how he will react and I was completely terrified to find out.

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