Thirty Eight

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I just started school so I wont post as much, propably once a week :)

Harry's POV 

"When I give you a task it's your responsibility, if you want to ask for help then that's your choice. But it's still your responsibility to make sure that it gets done" Harry said sternly.

"Yes I understand and I'm sorry but-"

"If I see this happen again you are the one getting fired, not Mrs. Davies." 

He nodded quickly as Harry stared him down with his ice cold glare.

"Now get out," he said, trying really hard not to raise his voice, and watched as he scurried away. Harry sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he leaned back and sat down on his desk. This was supposed to be ready and done yesterday, now he would have to postpone the meeting with Ms.Green which was already urgent. He didn't see Louis standing by the door so he snapped his head up when he heard the faint knock on the door frame. It was so light Harry almost didn't hear it, Louis looked at him and hesitantly stepped in when Harry nodded his way. 

"Good morning," he said quietly as he went to place the mug on the table but Harry grabbed it before he could. He took a big sip and then cursed as he burned his tongue and put the coffee on the desk beside him rather harshly making Louis flinch a little where he was standing. They watched as the drink splashed over and a few droplets ran down the side of the mug. Harry sighed and looked back at Louis who was still awkwardly standing there. "I'm sorry," he sighed and ran his hand through his hair tiredly. "Get to work," he said dismissively and Louis immediately turned his head to the floor and left the room.

He grabbed a tissue from his bottom desk drawer and cleaned up the spilled drink and then put the mug down on top of it like a coaster so it doesn't stain his desk before starting his computer. He gently rubbed his temples, trying to get rid of the headache he was starting to feel. He managed to get a hold of Ms.Green to tell her about the unfortunate events and then continued with his work. Harry really wasn't in the mood for people right now and as his eyes were drooping at the lack of sleep. 

He had sent Louis to run some errands about forty minutes ago so he should have been back by now. Maybe he was, Harry didn't know but he sure as hell knew that he could not finish this without another cup of coffee. He decided to take a little break now and maybe get his lunch while he's at it. He walked out of the office, closing the door behind him, and saw Louis sitting by his desk with his head on the table. 

He grabbed his phone from his pocket and saw that it was half past eleven so it wasn't his break time yet. He sighed, not really knowing what to do. He knew that he should go a little easy on him but he couldn't just let him slack like this. He contemplated what to do for a moment before deciding to just send him home for today and he'll have to have a serious talk with him. . . tomorrow. Harry carefully walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. Louis jerked up and looked at him with hazy eyes. He blinked a couple of times and looked really out of it, just as Harry was about to say something, Louis sprung up from his seat. It was like something clicked in his head and he looked completely frazzled.

He put a hand to his forehead as he stumbled a bit and before he knew it, Louis had fallen to the ground. Harry jerked back at the sudden motion before he realized what had just happened. He quickly walked around the desk and crouched down beside him and shook him by his shoulders, but nothing happened. He tried calling out a couple of times but Louis still layed completely limp.

This was the second time Louis had passed out, at least here at work. Who knows what happened at home? Harry carried him into his office and put him down on the couch and tried waking him up again, he couldn't help but notice how light he was. He grew worried wrinkled on his forehead and after twenty minutes of no response he started to seriously worry. He checked his breathing and pulse again before deciding to call 999, he placed around the office as he explained what had happened and they said they would send an ambulance. 

While he waited for them to arrive, he dialed Niall to tell him what was going on. Was this because he didn't eat enough? Harry had no idea it was that bad, a million different thoughts ran through his mind during the fifteen minutes it took the ambulance to arrive. They checked his breathing and pulse just like Harry had done before moving him to the stretcher. The nurse said that it probably wasn't anything serious but she couldn't say for sure, which did absolutely nothing to ease his nerves.

It was pretty cramped in the ambulance with the two nurses moving around and Harry did his best to not be in the way in any way. When they finally arrived at the hospital Louis was ushered to a room while Harry had to wait in the waiting area. There were a couple of other people there, an old couple who looked completely worned out and a young girl, not older than fifteen, she was sitting in a corner and just staring blankly out at the wall. He wondered what they were here for, but he didn't have much time to think about that because soon a doctor appeared from behind one of the glass doors. "Louis Tomlinson," he called out and Harry was immediately on his feet. "I'm with him," he informed the man. 

"Hi, I'm Dr.Brown," Harry shook his hand as he introduced himself. "Mr.Tomlinson is fine as it seemed right now, he's asleep. Though there are some things that I would like to discuss," he said with a wrinkle between his eyebrows. "We tried calling his emergency contact, Mr.payne but he wasn't picking up so we called his last emergency number instead. Mr.Malik, he is on his way here now so we can talk about it together. What are you to him again?" He asked. Harry rummaged his brain for a believable answer, hoping nobody recognized him. "I am his brother," he said after a moment of silence. 

Dr.Brown gave him a look "right, now you don't have a way to get in touch with Mr.Payne, do you?" Harry shook his head, "no, I don't." Just then a man burst through the doors. He scanned the room until his eyes landed on Harry and he immediately walked over. "Hi, I'm Zayn Mailk," he said a little out of breath. "What happened? Is Louis okay?" He asked, pretty frantic.

Dr.Brown looked at him, "he's fine," he reassured, "but there are some things I need to talk to you about," he said. Zayn's face shifted to one of worry. Dr.Brown looked between Harry and Zayn, "we better take this in my office," he said. "But when can I see him?" Zayn asked. 
"He is asleep at the moment, you can visit him when he wakes up," he explained. Zayn nodded stiffly and Dr.Brown turned around to leave with Zayn and Harry right behind him. "Why are you coming?" Zayn stopped and looked at Harry.

Why was he coming? That was a great question that he did not really know the answer to. He just knew that he was worried about Louis and that Dr.Brown would probably find it weird if his brother who brought him in didn't come. "Because I want to know what's going on with my brother," he said with a smile and nodded towards Dr.Brown who just kept walking and quite frankly did not seem to notice. Zayn looked between him and Dr.Brown for a moment before nodding his head. They walked down a corridor with all white walls, there were a couple of posters about different sicknesses and some positive quotes hanging on the walls. He wondered how much they actually helped if you were seriously sick, probably not so much.

They entered a little office filled with different models of body parts everywhere. They sat down by the little white desk and Dr.Brown cleared his throat as Harry and Zayn waited impatiently for him to say something. "Mr.Tomlinson is extremely underweight," he paused, waiting for a reaction, when he got none he continued. "But that's not all, his body is also covered in bruises and scars, some of them fairly new. These are all signs of abuse."

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