Forty Seven

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"Okay, my turn," Louis said and got a thoughtful look on his face. "What's the longest word you know?"

"Mauerbauertraurigkeit" he answered without skipping a beat.

"What? What does that even mean?" 

"I don't remember," Harry laughed. "I think it means that you like," he gestured with his hands, "push people away,"

"Say it again"


"The word"


Louis laughed, "That's funny. Where did you even learn that?" He slurred as he took another sip of his beer.

"I don't remember"

"Gee, I told you, you're an old man, can't remember anything," he rolled his eyes.

"That is not true," he pursed his lips, "I remember a lot of things," he said and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Like what?" He questioned. "Bet you can't even name your birthday."

"Hey, I've already answered, now it's your turn," he said and downed the rest of his drink.

"My friend told me the longest word in the english language is motorcycle. It was in second grade, but still."

"Motorcycle? That's not even close to mauerbauertraurigkeit. I won!"

"It's not a competition"

"I still won. Now shut up it's my turn. Your questions are so boring"

"Are not! You're boring!"

"Shh, I'm thinking of a better question than yours," he said and waved the bartender over who refilled his cup. 

"Who was your first kiss?" He asked. Louis snorted, "that's your intresting question? Please."

"What's wrong with that? It's better than yours!" 

He scoffed, "is not"

"Just answer the question," he chuckled.

"Alright, I was eight I think. I had a playdate with my mom's friend's kid and we kissed."

"That's it? What a boring story"

"I was eight, what did you expect me to say?" 

"I don't know. You seem like the romantic type, give her some flowers or something."

"Flowers? I was eight," he said, deadpanned.


"So where would I get flowers from?"

"Oh I don't know, the garden maybe?"

"The garden? You want me to pick flowers from the garden to give to my non-girlfriend?"

Harry nodded, "yeah"

"We didn't have any flowers"

"Well that's too bad, maybe if you had gotten her some flowers you'd be married now"

Louis snorted, "I doubt that."

"Hey, you never answered the question," Louis tucked the pillow under his chin and put in on his folded arms and watched Harry take his shoes off. "What question?" He stumbled a bit and fell onto the bed. 

"Bout the kiss."

"Oh," he was quiet for a moment, "I don't remember." Louis burst out laughing, "you don't remember your first kiss? And you complain about me not bringing any flowers?" Louis rolled over on the dark duvet as his laughter filled the room. "What is the matter with you? How can you have a whole like rich people business when you can't remember anything?"

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