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Louis shivered as the cold gust hit him and immediately regretted not bringing a jacket as they made their way towards the old wooden door with a little sign over it reading 'The Old School Yard Karaoke Bar' in black cursive on a fading yellow sign. He couldn't tell if it was a choice of style or because of age, either way Louis liked the vibe of the place as they stepped in to the smell of beer. It was a tiny room with all wooden furniture, a stuffed deer head hanging on the wall behind the bar. He noticed the small carvings into the tables and chairs, like little doodles. There was a big tv hanging on the wall to their left, opposite to the bar, standing out quite a lot from the rest of the decor but they had set a frame around it, making it look almost like a painting. A moving painting with Miley Cyrus' Wrecking Ball lyrics, but a painting none than less. There were two college girls singing; practically yelling out the lyrics in their drunken state as the few other people clapped and cheered along with smiles on their faces. A man with graying hair and a leather vest started singing along, totally off key but his wife seemed to enjoy it as she encouraged him with a little kiss on his cheek. Now Louis had never actually been to a karaoke before and didn't really know what to expect, but he was fairly certain this lot would keep him entertained.

"So what do you think?" Harry asked with a shy smile, remembering all the times he came here with his friends. Louis smiled back at him, "I like it, its cute," he said as they headed to the bar. "And cozy," he added as they took a seat. The booths were almost empty except for this one couple making out in the corner. Louis blushed at the thought of kissing Harry and coughed out an awkward "so you gonna sing or what?"

"Well I was thinking we could get a drink first," Harry said and waved over the young bartender. 

"Right, right. I'll just have a beer," he told the lady and Harry orderend himself a scotch. Louis had never been the biggest fan of casual drinking, though he could enjoy a couple of beers every now and then. "So, Mr.Styles, tell me what's your go to song?" He asked and traced his finger along the rim of his glass. "Oh man, that's a great question, I don't know I haven't been here in ages. But I used to always sing 'Rock With You'."

"Micheal Jackson huh? Are you a fan of his?" 

"Not really, I mean I listen to some of his songs occasionally I guess. All my friends would always make me join them in 'It's raining men'," He chuckled. "What about you? What's you go to?"

"I dont have one, I've never been to a karaoke bar before, or any karaoke really, but I'm not that much of a singer either, guess I've never really thought about it."

"What? You've never sang karaoke before? But it's so much fun."

"Well yeah, obviously, why would you bring me on a boring date?" He rolled his eyes.

Harry huffed, "well maybe because I don't actually like you, I just lured you out here to kidnap you."

"Let me tell you, you're doing an awful job. You can't tell me youre kidnapping me."

"Oh yeah, and now you're a kidnapping expert?"

"Ofcourse I am, why do you think I decided to come with you to the middle of no were?"

"Excuse me? Are you saying you tricked me here to kidnap me?" he squinted his eyes.

"No! What are you talking about? I would never do such a thing," He said in mock shock. "Can't believe you'd even think for a second that I manipulated you to come out here just to kill you and steal all your money. Where did you get such an absurd idea?" He said as the bass guitar of 'Highway to Hell' started playing making them both stop their conversation and turn their heads to the grey-haired man and before long he was singing loudly, looking proud and Louis wondered how he was singing with a grin like that. He wasn't the best singer but he didn't seem to care with the way his voice filled the entire bar. Louis wished he could be that carefree, not giving a damn about who's watching or judging him, maybe it was the drinks or maybe that was just how he was. Who knows? Though no one here seemed to be that judgemental because everyone was here for the same reason; to have a good time. Even the bartender seemed to be in a great mood, she must have a lot of fun at work.

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