Forty Three

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The thin blanket was splayed over his legs and his eyes felt heavier than ever but he couldn't sleep, not with the heavy feeling of nausea crawling up his throat. His stomach felt bloated and he wanted to slap Zayn for making him eat all that. He still had a couple of pieces left but refused to eat any more, and thankfully Zayn didn't fight him on it. His head rested on some decorative pillows and his feet were in Zayn's lap. He pulled the blanket up to his chin and closed his eyes, trying to tune out the voices from the telly. 

Zayn looked at him, "you can go to bed if you want," he said softly. Without a word Louis got up from the couch and made his way to Zayn's only bedroom and crawled under the blanket. He shivered as the cold sheets touched his skin and buried his face in the pillow. He wondered where Zayn would sleep, probably on the couch. But he didn't have the time to feel guilty about that because before he knew it sleep had consumed him.

The sun heated up the entire room and Louis could feel the thin fabric sticking to his back but he didnt move, couldn't bring himself to open his eyes in Zayn's bedroom. He couldn't just pretend to be home in his own bed before that Doctor had decided to ruin everything. Louis felt his eyes sting and brought his hands up to his face to wipe away the little tears that managed to escape. Would Zayn make him eat again? Probably. 

If he got up a little later he wouldn't have to eat breakfast because it's already like 1 pm. What time was it? Louis had no idea but that didn't matter cause he had no plans of getting up anytime soon.

He must've fallen back asleep cause now his eyes were wide open as he stared up at the ceiling. It was almost 3 pm and his stomach had started to churn but just the mere thought of more food made him sick. He had eaten more than he usually eats on days and he did not know how to convince Zayn to just leave him alone. He considered just staying in bed forever but his bladder quickly dismissed those thoughts. 

With a quiet groan Louis got out of the bed and immediately felt cold as the blanket fell from his shoulders. He wrapped his arms around his waist and walked over to the slightly ajar door. He peered out to the dark hallway to find the rest of the flat totally quiet. Was Zayn out? Or maybe he was still asleep. Either way Louis really needed the bathroom so he padded down the hallway to where the toilet was, beside the front door. 

He quickly did his business and realized that he didn't have a toothbrush or anything. How was he supposed to live here without any of his stuff? They should've thought about this before forcing him away from his home he thought and huffed as he washed his hands. He rinsed his mouth a couple of times instead before walking out to go find Zayn.

He turned the light on in every room he looked in, cause the darkness unnerved him more than he would like to admit. When he found no signs of Zayn he returned back to the bedroom to get his phone, but when he found it, it was completely dead. Louis suppressed a groan when he realized that he did not have a charger and he had no idea where Zayn kept his. As he didn't want to look through his stuff without permission he just decided to leave it and wait until he got back. Maybe he was at work? No, it was saturday. He didnt work on Saturdays, right? 

He slouched down on the couch and zapped through the channels until he found a rerun of 'How I met your mother'. He had never actually watched the show but he had heard that it was good. Deciding to make his own judgment, he made himself comfortable and pulled the discarded blanket over him again. But apparently they decided that no, they would not let Louis cretice their show because that was the last episode before some other show started to play. Probably wasn't that good anyway, Louis thought as he tried to make sence of the thousand people on the screen. He thought it was about a man with fourteen girlfriends but he wasn't quite sure. It was very confusing. 

He wondered what Liam was doing. Did he miss him? Was he worried about him? Louis suddenly felt sick. He didn't know if it was because of his hunger or the thought of Liam not wanting him back. He quickly got up and had to hold his head for a moment before he folded the blanket and placed it neatly over the armrest. Now that he thought about it, the whole flat was kinda messy, so he decided to clean it to try to get Laim out of his head; and ease his sudden nervousness.

Louis was in the middle of vacuuming the kitchen when he heard the door click open and Zayn walked in with five plastic bags in his hands. He placed the groceries in front of the fridge before turning off the loud machine with his foot. 

"Hi," Louis greeted.

"What are you doing?" Zayn asked surprised, Louis had never been one to clean after himself. He could remember being the one to always clean after Louis in their shared dorm cause he realized that no matter how much he reminded him, Louis would never actually do it. 

"Um, I had nothing to do and it was a little messy so I cleaned," he explained awkwardly. "I hope you don't mind," he rushed out right after. Maybe he shouldn't have done it, it wasn't even his flat. Was it weird? It was, wasn't it? He should've just let it be. 

"No, no," Zyan was quick to reassure, "just wasn't expecting it, is all '', he said and started unpacking the groceries. "You were always the messy one," he chuckled and Louis could feel a faint blush warming his cheeks. "You can leave it there and I'll finish it later," he said and gestured to the vacuum with a packet of flour in his hand.

Louis immediately put it down on the floor before walking over to where Zayn was standing and grabbed one of the bags. "Louis, you don't have to do that, you are supposed to be resting," but he insisted on helping until he gave in with a sigh. "Have you eaten?" He asked and Louis wanted to punch him in the face. "No, I just got up like thirty minutes ago," he said as an excuse. "Can I borrow your charger by the way? My phone is dead''. Zayn gave him an unamused look, "yeah, it's in my bedside table, I'll make you something to eat." 

Louis sighed at the frustrating tears that gathered in his eyes. He quickly blinked them away and went to Zayn's bedroom. He sat down on the bed and rested his head in his hands just breathing in deep breaths, trying to tame the fire that flared up in his chest. He shouldn't even be mad. He dug the heels of his hands into his eyes and slumped back on the bed, forgetting about the dead battery.

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