Sixty Four

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There u go i guess :)))))))))))

Louis wiped his eyes as he walked out to the parking lot, the snow crunching under his feet. He tugged his coat tighter around himself and sniveled as regret poured over him. He knew this was going to happen, this is why he was so resistant to begin with and he was so mad at himself for giving in. He knew that they just wanted what's best for him and he knew that she had some valid points which made it even harder to be mad at her for stating them. He should've never agreed to these sessions to begin with. 

As he walked around the corner he saw Harry waiting in his car, eyes focused on his phone. Louis' heart lightened a bit as he jogged over to the black vehicle. He opened the door and climbed into the passenger seat, catching Harry's attention. "Hey, have you been waiting here all this time?" He asked and put his seat belt on.

"No, I went to the store, I just got back actually," he said and grabbed Louis' hand and rubbed his thumb over his knuckles in comfort.  

"Oh, okay" he rubbed his nose, making Harry frown when he saw Louis' red eyes. "How did it go?" He asked softly. Louis sighed, "not good, I told you she would just try to turn me against him."

"Do you want to talk about it?" 

"No," Louis sniveled again and Harry brought him into his arms the best he could. Louis climbed over to the driver's seat, straddling Harry and resting his chin on his chest. "She said that he was a shit boyfriend and that I'm stupid for ever liking him," he huffed.

"Did she really say that?" Harry asked sceptically.

"No, but she might alswell have. She said that maybe he wasn't as good of a boyfriend as I made him out to be and I should try to look at our relationship from an outsider point of view. Obviously you'll just assume loads of things if you just see part of it."

"But Lou, she gotta have something she's basing this off, she's a therapist, she wouldn't just say that without anything to back it up with." Louis went quiet for a while as Harry rubbed his back comfortingly and pressed soft kisses to his forehead. 

"She said that if- um. If he did that to you I wouldn't accept it because I um like you, alot, and so I would feel bad. She said that if he um- hit me when he got mad, how come I can't do the same without feeling guilty. Because I loved him and so he shouldn't either and that if he lost his temper that's no excuse because in the end I still got hurt and that it is illegal for a reason and it didn't matter if he apologized cause it still brought harm to me but um yeah." Harry wrapped his arms around him and just hugged him for a long moment as he calmed down. He snivled, "I'm sorry, this is stupid. I'll just-"

"Stop it Louis, it's not stupid. You have every right to be upset," Harry said seriously. "You're okay, you'll be okay," he whispered. "I know it's hard but we'll get through this together, yeah?"

Louis rubbed his nose and looked up at him, "why are you so nice to me?" He asked teary-eyed. Harry frowned, "what are you talking about? Of course I wanna help my boyfriend." Louis' heart fluttered in his chest and he looked up at Harry, staring into his green eyes. "Louis Tomlinson, will you be my boyfriend?" He asked and Louis' heart leaped out of his chest as a new set of tears rolled down his face, he wasn't even sure why this time. He nodded his head as a smile appeared on his face, "ofcource I will you dork," he sniffled again and wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and gave him a short very passionate kiss and he could tell that Harry too was smiling into the kiss. 

"Thank you," Harry said as they pulled away.

"For what?"

"For giving me a chance"

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