Twenty Nine

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He placed the files in a cabinet before locking it with the little key on the heavy key chain with at least thirty keys. Mr.Styles had left the office and gave him the keys so he could keep working, it was a lot more paperwork than he thought it would be, it wasn't nearly as much when he worked with Mr.Adams, but then again, that was a completely different job. "Hi," he swiftly turned around to the deep voice coming from behind him, immediately regretting the action when he felt his head start spinning violently. 

He quickly steadied himself with a hand on the cabinet and closed his eyes for a moment until the room stopped spinning quite as much. He hadn't heard Mr.Styles enter the room, "are you alright?" Mr.Styles asked concerned, Louis snapped his eyes open and looked over at him. "Hi, yeah I'm fine," he said, though Mr.Styles didn't look at all convinced.

"Are you done with that?" He asked and loosely gestured towards the cabinet with his hand. Louis looked between him and the cabinet, still feeling a bit dizzy before nodding his head, "yes, I just finished it," he explained. His heart was hammering in his chest and he began to slightly panic, this couldn't be good. "Well, then you can take your break," he said and smiled. Louis smiled back a tight lipped smile and scurried out of the office. He slumped down in his chair and put a hand over his heart and felt it beat under his palm.

Eventually Louis felt it slow down just a bit. Louis sighed and put his head in his hands, just feeling completely exhausted, and he was so tired of feeling like this everyday. He rested his head on the desk and closed his eyes trying to get a grip on himself. He managed to tune out everything around him and felt quite at peace  when he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. 

Louis startled up and looked around, wide eyed. He saw Niall standing there with a huge grin on his face. He chuckled at Louis' shocked face and he suddenly remembered that he was supposed to go out with Niall today. He groaned internally before getting up from his chair and headed towards the elevators with Niall in front of him. Apparently he had invited one of his friends to join them, now Louis did not know this guy but Niall had told him that they were close friends. 

When they got to the restaurant, they walked over to a man seated at a table close to the booths. They took a seat at the table and Niall introduced them, his name was Collins and they apparently met at their golf club.

They talked a bit before ordering their food, Louis scanned over the menu several times before deciding on a shrimp salad and a water. When their food arrived, the salad was covered in dressing and just the look of it made Louis feel slightly nauseous. 

He scraped off the dressing with his fork before cutting up a shrimp in three pieces and putting one in his mouth. He chewed it slowly and tuned into the conversation again. He tried to take part the best he could but it was really hard to focus on what they were saying with how he was focusing on his food. He looked at Nialls plate, it was almost empty at this point. He really envied him for being able to eat like that and still look this good. 

Louis swallowed the food in his mouth with his water and put his fork down on his plate, returning to the conversation, he wasn't exactly sure on what they were talking about but he was pretty sure it had to do with some show or something like that. Time went by and  Louis managed to have a genuinely good time after that, until it was time to leave that is. Louis grabbed his phone from the table and got up, ready to leave, when Collins suddenly frowned and looked down at Louis' food. 

"You barely ate anything," he said confused. Niall threw a glance at Louis' plate before giving him a confused look. "Oh, I'm just not that hungry," he shrugged off easily, but Niall didn't look so convinced. "Are you alright?" He asked. "You never seem to be hungry," he pointed out. Louis looked down at the floor and felt the tears prickle behind his eyes and clenched his jaw trying to keep them from falling. This is stupid he thought as he blinked a couple of times and his mind started to race for an answer. "Um, yeah I'm fine. I just can't eat that much" he said and started to leave. Niall wasn't all that satisfied with that answer but let it go for now, not wanting to cause a scene and followed him out. They bid Collins goodbye and headed back to the office.

Louis slammed the door behind him in his hurry and ran into their bedroom. He threw the closet door open and  rummaged through everything useless they had stored on the top shelf until he found what he was looking for. He placed the scale on the floor and stepped on it but nothing happened. He soon realized that the battery must be out, he let out a frustrated groan and kicked the wall before slumping down on their bed. He laid there for a while until he heard the doorbell ring. He sighed annoyed before getting up and went out to the hall. He opened the door and almost slammed in back shut when he saw Lindsey standing there. What does she want? "Hi, where is Liam?" She asked. 

"He isn't home yet," Louis said annoyed. 

"That's fine, I can wait until he gets back," she said.

"He's not coming back tonight, can I leave a message?" 

"I just came to drop off his phone" she explained and handed over Liam's cellphone. Louis looked at her confusedly.

"Couldn't you just give it to him at work?" He asked.

"It's much closer to bring it here," she shrugged. Louis was really confused now. "Didn't you go to work?" 

Lindsey gave him a weird look, "yeah I did, why does that matter. It's not like we work together" she rolled her eyes. "Oh, um. I will give it to him," he said with a tight lipped smile. "Thanks for bringing it over." Lindsey nodded curtly before turning around and leaving. 

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