Thirty Four

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Harry's POV

Whatever he did, Harry couldn't get Louis out of his head and let's just say he was getting a little bit frustrated. Everyone had left the office hours ago while Harry was still working. He figured it wouldn't hurt to get a little more done and he would have something to distract his mind from Louis' eating habits; or not-eating habits. Slumping back in his chair, he let out a sigh. His eyes were growing heavier by the minute but he had decided he wouldn't go home before finishing this off first. 

Inhaling loudly, Harry went over the notes for the meeting once again. Eyes scanning over the lines with random letters but they aren't making any sense. Harry watched as the letters danced across his screen and decided that that's enough, he could always finish it at home, or tomorrow. He packed down his laptop and files before grabbing his bag and headed out. The echo of his footsteps was the only sound heard as he walked down the empty hallways. It was almost eery with only the little decorative laps on the walls lighting up the building. 

But Harry had gotten used to it, after his breakup he began spending a lot of extra time in the office. Almost every night would he stay until he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore just so he wouldn't have to go home alone and have the time to think about everything. Sleeping was almost the only thing he did at home, being too tired to even think when he got back. A lot of the time he would even fall asleep at his desk. He would wake up in the middle of the night with a stiff neck and move to the couch, not bothering driving all the way home when he had to come back in a couple of hours anyway.

He locked the back door he used to exit since the big front double door locked itself at 06.00 pm every day. Walking to his car, Harry took in the cool air. A breeze hit him making him shiver ever so slightly as he got into his car. Driving carefully with droopy eyes, he thought about how Louis had acted today. Niall had come up with the idea to take him with them to their lunch so he could see for himself and they would try to figure out what to do. It was a bit awkward and he knew it was because of him. It wasn't so hard to figure out with all the worried glances he sent his way. 

He noticed how Louis would often zone out or have a hard time keeping up with the conversation they were having as he carefully moved around his food.Arriving at his penthouse, Harry closed the door behind him with a quiet sigh. Throwing the bag on his couch, Harry headed directly to his bedroom, not wasting a moment before stripping down and going to bed. He didn't even bother showering, that could always wait for the morning. Tugging the blanked close to his face, Harry closed his eyes and let the long longed sleep finally consume him.

Harry threw a quick glance at the clock before hopping into the shower. Although he had already showered that morning he just felt the need to cool down a bit and what better way to do that than wash away your stress? He watched as the droplets disappeared down the drain together with everything buzzing in his mind. Wrapping a fluffy towel around his waist, Harry exited the bathroom. Walking into his closet, he pulled out a pair of sweatpants from the rack making practically every other piece of clothing fall down with it. With a groan, Harry put on the pants and dried his hair just enough for it to stop dripping down his back before he sat down cross legged on the faded carpet and started to re-fold his clothes.

Harry soon realized that folding clothes isn't really his favorite hobbie and picked up his phone to start some music. Everything gets better with music. With Sam Smith playing in the background Harry got to work, quickly finishing the swets he dropped he decided he might as well clean the rest of his closet, it's not like he had anything better to do. So with that thought in mind he got to work. It took a couple of hours but he managed to sort through his whole closet and even made a pile of stuff to give away. He certainly didn't need all this stuff and it was just taking up space and making everything look messy. 

He took the clothes to the laundry room, by the bathroom down the hall and threw them in the machine before heading back out to his bed room. He threw a quick glance at the clock. 09.12. He slumped down on the bed with a little sigh, looking around he realized that his bedroom was way too messy compared to his closet and that just wouldn't do. He got back up again and cleaned out his entire room, it hadn't been this messy in a while, he just hadn't taken the time to do anything about it. He had thought about hiring someone to do it for him but he didn't want some stranger going through all his stuff.

He found a lot of random junk lying around that he had no idea where to put, so he ended up throwing most of it in a random drawer at the bottom of the cupboard in the hallway. With a satisfied sigh, Harry slumped down on his bed again. Turning the TV on, he scrolled through 'Netflix'. With nothing better he settles for 'Family Guy'. Half a season later he got bored, he considered just going to bed but he didn't feel tired. He knew he would be lying awake for hours if he closed his eyes now. But he had absolutely nothing to do, completely restless, Harry bounced his leg up and down as he stared at the ceiling, show playing in the background. His eyes flickered across the room, finally landing on the guitar in the corner. 

He quickly turned off the TV and grabbed the guitar before sitting down at the edge of the bed. He strummed his fingers lightly over the strings. It wasn't tuned. He screwed the keys carefully and gently played each string until it was tuned perfectly. He had thought about turning one of the guest rooms to a music room where he would put all his guitars that he had collected over the years, and he would get a piano and keyboard as well but he just never got to it. Right now he had all the guitars in the storage room filled with alot of other random crap, and that just wouldn't do. He really had to stop procrastinating he thought as he took a chord and gently strummed his fingers over the strings.

He sat like that until he saw the sky turn a bright red outside his window, completely lost in his own world. He smiled a little as he put away the guitar, this one had always been his favorite. He remembers buying it when he was seventeen. He was practically glued to that thing for years until he had to start to focus on the business instead. He hated that he didn't really have the time anymore but he figured it's just a matter of priorities; everything is really and he certainly wouldn't be able to keep up his father's business if he hadn't put down his guitar. He still played every now and then but not like before, he was completely obsessed, never letting go of it.

He left it on the little stand in the corner of the room before heading down the hall. There was no point in sleeping now, he didn't want to mess up his sleeping routine, well more that he already had. He washed his face with ice cold water to get rid of the faint buzz in his mind from the lack of sleep before heading to the kitchen. He got two eggs from the fridge, deciding to male an omelette. He wondered if Louis had eaten anything today. Probably not, it was like seven o'clock in the morning on a saturday, would he eat anything when he got up? He wondered if his boyfriend knew about this, he certainly hoped he did. He realized that he hadn't thought about Louis once all night which was quite an accomplishment considering he seems to be the only thing on his mind lately.

Niall and he had talked quite a lot about what to do, coming to the conclusion that it would be best if Niall talked to his boyfriend about it since they were mates. He would be able to help him way more than him and Niall ever could. With a little sigh Harry cracked the eggs into the pan. 

Louis' POV

They were sitting on the couch with his arm wrapped around her and all Louis could do was look. The longer he watched them the more his heart sank, they were talking and laughing and Louis felt like crying. But no tears came, which was good he thought, he didn't want to cry in front of them. Though, if he did maybe they would pay attention to him. He leaned back against the armrest and pulled the thin blanket over his legs as he stared at the show playing until it was time for Lindsey to leave. He got up and they bid her goodbye and Liam closed the door behind her before turning around. Seeing Louis' frown, he rolled his eyes. "Don't look at her like that. Maybe this will teach you a lesson to appreciate me more."

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