Forty Five

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Louis' POV

He closed the door behind him with a sigh. What was he thinking, going to that stupid meeting or dinner or whaterver it was. He was a bit taken aback by the question so he just agreed without even thinking about it. He should've said no. Mr.Styles said he didn't have to go if he wasn't feeling well. Why didn't he say no? Louis groaned, he did not have the energy to go and be social. What if they get stuck in the same room again? He ran a hand through his hair with a deep sigh. Why is he so damn stupid?

He didn't have a bag to pack in. He didn't even have anything to pack. He had borrowed one of Zayn's suits that were too long but Zayn still refused to let him go home to get his stuff. He had offered to go for him but Louis refused. He wanted to be the one to go, it was his home after all and he didn't want someone snooping through his stuff. Even though Zayn was his best friend, he didn't like the idea of him going through his belongings. And what if Liam was there? He would lose his mind. He slipped off his shoes and entered the living room to find Zayn already there. 

"Hi," he looked over his shoulder and smiled.

"Hey, bad day?" He asked as he took in Louis' exterior. 

"No, not really. Or yeah maybe a bit," he sighed, "I don't know, Mr.Styles asked if I wanted to go to this business gathering or something and I said yes but I've changed my mind, I don't wanna go," he whined. Zayn looked at him for a second.

"Hold on, let me get this straight," he said and sat up straight on the couch. "Harry Styles asked you on a trip. Harry Styles asked you to come with him on a trip. A trip. And you don't want to go?" He asked and looked at Louis like he had lost his mind. "Are you hearing yourself? The Harry Styles asked you to go with him on a trip and you don't want to go? Have you lost your mind? Oh God, I think all the movies have rottened your brain to a pile of shit. The Harry Styles asked you-" He started again but Louis cut him off with a groan. He slumped down on the couch and buried his face in one of the pillows. 

"You can go for me if you want," he said and shook his jacket off.

"Yes!" he exclaimed, "and then we can get married." Louis chuckled.

"What is wrong with you? You're the crazy one." He said, head back in the comforting pillow. "Besides I don't have any of my stuff here so I can't go," he tried to explain and hugged another pillow to his chest. "Looks like I'll have to cancel. Oh no, that's too bad," he pouted. "Oh well, more time to lay in bed all day," he smiled. Zayn smacked the back off his head, "you're mad, you're going on this trip with Harry Styles. You can become best friends or something. Yes! And then we'll become friends!" He grinned. 

Louis looked up at him from his pillow, "okay first of all, stop calling him by his full name, that's weird," he said. "Second of all, we barely know each other, we aren't even friends. And third of all, you're my best friend. Although I do need a new one, you're kinda shit," he said with a thoughtful look. Zayn leaned over and smacked his head again making Louis laugh.

"Oww, see this is why I need new friends," he said and shoved Zayn with his foot.

"Okay first of all, I call him by his full name cause he's the Harry Styles. It's not like I call Ed Sheeran Ed." he rolled his eyes, "or Bill Gates Bill. Second of all, you spend so much time together, how have you not gotten to know him? It makes no sence, if it was me we would've been best pals at this point." Louis shoved him again and Zayn smacked away his foot, "and third, excuse me? How dare you? I am the ultimate best friend, remember in fifth grade when you got in trouble cause you wouldn't shut your damn mouth. What did I do huh? Did I leave you to be eaten by the alligators? No, I got detention with you! Why? Cause I'm a good friend. Not like you, you poured paint all over my uniform and got me sent to the principal's office!" 

Louis burst out laughing,"now that was actually an accident!" He said between laughter. 

"Yeah, sure," he said and smacked Louis' leg.

"Oww, quit it," Louis whined, "and it was an accident, why would I pour paint on you?" 

"I don't know, you tell me," he said and looked at Louis accusingly making him burst out in laughter again. 

"It wasn't my fault! I tripped. On my feet, I tripped on my laces and then I fell! Absolutely not my fault! You know what? It's your fault for making me join that stupid class to begin with!" 

"You wanted to join! I got you in, you idiot."

"No, I didn't."

"Yes you did."

"No, I didn't, why would I want to join an art class? I suck at art."

"You said you wanted to join cause you wanted a creative hobby or something. Don't you remember? Do you know how hard it was to convince Mrs.Walker to give you a spot? And then you embarressed me in fron of the whole class!" Zayn exclaimed.

"Nope, don't remember any of that," he said with a wide grin.

"So, when is the trip?" He asked changing subjects, making Louis groan.

"Next week, the event is on friday, if I go we'll have to leave on thursday and we'll probably be back saturday or sunday."

"If? Louis if you don't go I swear on everything I'll burn all your clothes."

"Ha! Jokes on you, I don't have any clothes." He chucked a pillow at his friend's head. Zayn sighed.

"Okay, if I take you back to your flat so you can get your stuff, will you go on the trip?" He asked. Louis pondered for a moment before nodding.

"Yeah, alright," though he knew he would regret it later.

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