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Louis' POV

I took a seat in front of Mr.Styles at his desk as he grabbed the plastic container out of the little paper bag. I didn't know why he was being so nice to me, I didn't really know how to feel. The sound of the lid opening broke the silence in the room, he handed me a pair of chopsticks and placed half of the bites on the lid before sliding the container over to me.

"Here you go," he said as he opened the little container with soy sauce. I thanked him briefly and picked up my chopsticks. I hadn't had sushi in forever, Liam didn't like it so we never ordered it and I never brought myself to go somewhere by myself.

I took a bite when I saw Mr.Styles start eating, he looked like he wanted to say something but didn't know how. It was quite for a while, but not that awkward silence I hated so much, this was actually pretty nice. A comfortable silence where neither of us felt the need to say anything, to keep up a conversation.

I took another bite, lost in my thoughts when he finally broke the silence. "So, how are you?" He asked. I was a little taken aback, why is he being so nice and polite all of a sudden? And why does he care how I am? Maybe he doesn't care, he just doesn't want to be rude, but then again, he's never had a problem with that before.

"I'm alright, thank you. How are you?" I said, my eyes fleeting across the wall behind him. "I'm fine. I ment with work, how are things working out for you?"

"It's good," I said and gave him a little smile. "It's a bit far from home but nothing I can't live with," and shrugged. He nodded and swallowed down his food, "and the people are very friendly, at my old office people mostly kept to themselves."

"That's good to hear, that you like it here I mean." I nodded, "yeah" and put my chopsticks in the empty container. "Um, I should get back to work," I told him, "thank you for the food." Before he could reply, I was out the door.

I unlocked my phone to see new messages from Zayn, I realized that I still hadn't texted him back. He probably thought that I was still mad at him. I mentally schooled myself as I typed out a reply. I got a new text just minutes later, and we ended up texting for the rest of lunch break until I had to get back to work. I sighed and put my phone away and started my computer.

Harry's POV

I stared after him for a moment, many questions running through my head. Why had he been skipping lunch so often? Was it because I gave him too much work? But I alway made sure not to give him several tasks at a time, only adding more when he was finished. Maybe he thought that he had to finish a certain amount a day? I really need to talk to him about that, I didn't want him to overwork or anything and he certainly doesn't seem like the person to say no.

I frowned, still feeling guilty about the trip. I should've just let him go. Why didn't I let him go? He was so uncomfortable the entire trip, he wouldn't even sit next to me. I noticed how he had panicked when I came back from the gym and he was laying on the bed like I would get mad at him. But why would he think that when I told him that it was fine? Maybe he just wanted to feel comfortable for a little while before going back to sleeping alone on that uncomfortable couch.

I thought about what Niall said, I didn't want to take out the consequences of my past experiences with him but I couldn't help it. How do I know that he isn't just like her? Even if I'm not exactly planning on dating him, I just mean how do I know that I'm not just falling into another trap with lies upon lies to hook me in and stab me in the fucking back and watch me bleed out. I knew the chances of that happening wasn't actually that big and that I shouldn't just assume things about him but I just- I couldn't help it! I obviously didn't want him to suffer because of my past nativity so I decided to at least be a little nicer to him, give him a chance even though he reminded me awfully much about her. I combed my hand through my lucks, slightly tugging it in annoyance. She couldn't just let me be either, you had you little fun, fine. Now leave me the fuck alone! I wanted to scream.

And those bruises, God, those awful bruises. What the heck was up with that? I wanted to ask him about them so badly but how do I bring up such a topic without him thinking I'm some kind of creep? That I looked at his body when he slept. What if he too went out and said that I assaulted him or some shit? I wouldn't be able to prove that I hadn't, especially since there are records of us sharing a room. God, what was I thinking? I sighed, maybe Niall was right. Maybe he had just hurt himself on his little night out but didn't like him skipping lunch, it must be exhausting but it wasn't my place to say anything about it. I decided to text Niall.

To Niall: I need a favor

I got to work as I waited for a reply, and soon enough I heard my phone go off.

From Niall: Sure, what is it?

To Niall: Could you ask Luuis to lunch tomorrow?

To Niall: Louis*

From Niall: Why??

To Niall: I just found out that he's been working through lunch all this time and I feel bad, but I don't want to say anything cause it would be weird. Don't you think? So if you ask him, maybe he'll eat something. You said your friends right?

From Niall: I barely know him but I can ask

From Niall: Why do you care so much anyways?

To Niall: I don't, just don't want him to over work or anything

From Niall: Right

From Niall: I gtg, see u later

To Niall: Thanks mate

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