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Harry's POV

I hung up the phone with an exasperated sigh. The meeting with Marie just got confirmed and I really wasn't looking forward to it. I couldn't meet her right now, I just. . . couldn't. I didn't know what I would do when I saw her, the only thing I knew was that it wouldn't be pretty. My jaw clenched by the mere thought of her and all of her bullshit. She just never quit, did she? I slumped down in my chair and put my head in my hands. I might as well get some stuff done while I'm there I suppose. Then I would have to stay a couple of days and Mr.Tomlinson would have to come. As if on cue I heard a knock on the door. I called for him to come in and not a second later he stepped through, coffee in hand. His shoulders were slumped and he had dark circles under his eyes. He looked exhausted; and not in a fake way. Now that I thought about it he always looked a bit tired or dull with this weird plastered smile on his face. Maybe I've been giving him too much work. I always give my new assistants a lot to do in the beginning just to see if they could keep up and handle the stress and really do the job. Mr.Tomlinson has done amazing so far, not once has he complained or not finished a task, though I've noticed that he does take home a lot of work. Maybe that's why he's so tired? He's been working here for more than three weeks now and hadn't tried aything stupid, maybe I should go a little easier on him from now on.

"Good morning sir" he said like every morning. He's very polite all things considered but I don't want to make friends with my employees cause more times than not it would come back to bite you in the ass. That's why I promised myself to never get close to my assistant again. I nodded at him and told him to get to work and he quickly scurried away and I started to prepare for my next skype meeting.

When the meeting was over, I called Mr.Tomlinson into my office, telling him to book two hotel rooms for six nights. We would probably arrive pretty late so I told him not to book the meeting with Mrs.Jones on Monday and he got that frown on his face. It was quiet for a moment as I waited for him to say something, confirming that he heard what I said, but he didn't. He didn't talk much. I think I had seen him talk to Mrs.Wilson a couple of times, but that's it. Maybe Niall was right, maybe he really did have social anxiety or something.

I continued, explaining that he was coming with me and that he didn't have to book plane tickets because we were taking my private jet. He nodded, a deep crease on his forehead. I told him that a driver would pick him up at his place and drive him to the airport but he didn't seem to be listening, he just stood there staring at the wall behind my head. "Got it?" I asked a little louder. That seemed to snap him out of it. He nodded his head and rushed out of my office. I sighed deeply and continued working, this trip was going to be a nightmare and he seemed to agree with me. Huh, maybe we could get along after all.

Just as I finished looking over today's schedule, my door busted open and Niall strode over. "Hey mate!" he exclaimed in his usual cheery voice. I sent him a tired glare "knock." He just chuckled and took a seat in front of me "want to have lunch today? You're so busy nowadays, we never hang out anymore" he said and pouted. I just rolled my eyes. "Niall, we had dinner last friday. That's literally three days ago."

But he just ignored me "You don't have time for me anymore. Don't you love me? Can't you see? We're drifting apart. You're always stuck at work, leaving me with the kids," he gestured overdramatically with his hands and slumping back in his chair. "I bet there is someone else. That's why you've been so busy lately and-"

"Okay fine, I'll go to lunch with you." I interrupted him. "Will you please stop screaming?"

He smiled in triumph, "great, see you later boss" he said before he upped and left. I rolled my eyes at him and once again got back to work when I heard a knock on the door. Louis came in with my coffee and placed it in front of me. "Good morning, sir. I booked our tickets yesterday and emailed you all the information about the meeting" he said, his gaze fixed on the floor. I frowned, why does he always have to act so nervous? Whatever. "Okay good," I waved him off.

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