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Harrys POV

I looked at myself in the mirror, straightening out my suit jacket, I had the meeting with Marie today and I wasn't sure if I wanted to throw up or punch a wall. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I didn't at all want to meet with them, especially not Elisia, she's so obnoxious in every way possible. She said she wanted to meet to discuss a collaboration with them but I knew that wasn't the real reason. When I politely declined their offer they threatened to tell the media that I slept around with my employees and took advantage of her or whatever and that's obviously something I didn't want. So I reluctantly agreed to come.

I unlocked the door and stepped out to see Louis crouched down beside his suitcase looking for something I assume. He grabbed something that I didn't see and locked himself in the bathroom.

I sighed deeply and sat down on the couch. I remember when I first met her, Marie I mean. It was her first day at the office and knocked on the door so quietly I almost didn't hear it, and when she stepped in that smile, God, that smile. I don't know what hit me but it was like all of a sudden I was this nervous mess who couldn't really form a sentence without my throat going dry. Like a little boy being completely starstruck by their favorite football player and I didnt know what to say. I had never felt like this before, sure I had thought about eventually getting a girlfriend but I had never believed in love like that. Love at first sight or whatever, it just didn't make any sense. How could you possibly know that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone when you've never even spoken to them? But somehow that was exactly what I felt and it was so scary cause I had no way to stop the feelings coming tumbling down from who knows where and crash down on me no matter how hard I tried to ignore them because I couldn't possibly date my assistant?

So I repressed my feelings the best I could but they still somehow managed to spring to the surface when I noticed how she struggled almost everyday, messing up her work or showing up late. It bothered me at first but I decided to go a little easier on her when she eventually opened up about her quote "mental issues," and yeah sure it was pretty tough to keep up with her but I figured it would be worth it in the end if she would be feeling better. So of course I was over the moon when I found out that she felt the same, that was the beginning of our three year long relationship and to say that I was happy was an understatement, cause she was the most amazing woman I had ever met, despite all of her problems she still somehow managed to keep her head up.

But that all came crashing down when she supposedly got worse and eventually quit, of course I was happy to support her if she needed a break but it got pretty tiring to keep up with her needs after a while and go about my day without accidentally "triggering" her in some way but it was worth it cause I just loved her so damn much, and she loved me too so we would be alright, or that's what i thought at least but things never work out the way you want them, do they?

But then things started to change, or maybe they stayed the same and I was just too blind to notice. She soon started getting better and decided to start her own company with her sister, Elsia and asked for a loan to give her a kick start and things just went downhill from there on. I wanted to do all I could to help her out. I would even help her with the ligations and paperwork that she was just too busy to do with everything going on at their new office and it was really taking a toll on Styles Empire. I guess I just had my priorities wrong.

My heart clenched in my chest as the memories played through my head. I still didn't quite understand how someone could be so cruel. Though I guess I can't really blame her for my naivety. Still! How can someone- anyone be so fucking ruthless without batting an eye? I bet her mum dropped her as a kid and that's why she is this heartless monster with no sympathy- no monster doesn't even cut it. She is a tyrnat, a fucking heart tyrant who steals peoples hearts and use then untill she no longer needs then and kills them with her-

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