Sixty Eight

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I kinda lost motivation for this for a while but then I read unbelivers and now I good again! :)

For a lot of players the Gebr. Perzina 122 is the perfect balance of price and performance. Featuring the longest bass string of any 49″ piano currently in production. Louis wasn't quite sure what that meant. He had decided to get Harry a piano for christmas, thinking it would be perfect for him, and maybe it would be his push to get started on that music room he talks about. But he wasn't the most musical person and could certainly not tell the difference between the many different models. 

But this one looked good, it was a sleek black with a stream of gold, forming into little flowerlike patterns and Louis thought it was very Harry-like. He should honestly just call in and ask about the models but  that would have to wait for another time cause right now his stomach was growling but he also didn't feel like getting out of bed. It was very late and he could just ignore it and fall asleep, but for the first time in a while he realized he didn't just want to ignore it. He wanted to get up and eat. Only problem was he was way too lazy. 

He groaned and cast a glance at the clock. 02.16. His eyes were heavy and he just wanted to sleep. He had been staying over at Harry's alot lately so it had been a while since he went to bed this late, cause Harry would fall asleep at 11 to 'Jane the virgin' just as the good part began and Louis would sigh in annoyance because why does he have to look so cute? Now he couldn't just continue watching without feeling guilty because he could just picture Harry's little pout when he realizes, and then they would have to rewatch the entire episode and Louis would have to keep his mouth shut the entire time cause "you always spoil the movies!" Harry's words not his. He doesnt think he spoils them, just briefly explains what's going on because how else would you know? Really, he was doing him a favour.

He sighed and started an episode of 'Breaking Bad'. Harry had gotten him really into the show and now he coulndt watch anything else until he finished it. 

The door opened and Louis heard the rustling of keys against the counter. "Zayn!" Within moments he appeared in the doorway and he looked completely and utterly exhausted and Louis felt a little bit bad but Zayn had insisted on telling Harry all his embarrassing stories so he doesn't feel too guilty. "Can you make me a sandwich?" He asked with a sheepish smile on his face. 

He lets out a long sigh and looks like he is done with everything. Rough night Louis assumes. "Fine," and then he's gone. "Make it grilled cheese!" He doesn't respond and Louis isn't sure if he didnt hear him or chose to ignore him. Probably the latter considering his bad mood. Ten minutes later and Zayn is holding a plate with two grilled cheese sandwiches and a very tall glass of juice. "Scooch."

Louis shuffled in until he was pressed against the wall and peeled off the duvet for Zayn to climb in. He let out a content sigh and chugged almost half of his juice while Louis stared at him impatiently. "Give me my food." He rolled his eyes but did as told and Louis immediately dug in, swirling his tongue around the cheese strings to cut it off. "Long night?" He asked as he made himself comfortable on the bed. Zayn nodded and then went on a rant about how some guy started picking on another guy and all hell broke loose with a big ass fight and how he's just tired off working behind a fucking counter all night, serving drunk old men.

And the thing was Louis got it, of course he did, he knew exactly how it felt to be stuck in a job you hate, especially when you know it won't get you anywhere. So there really isn't a point to sticking it out except for the simple fact that you don't want to end up homeless. Louis didn't have that choice, but Zayn does and so he tells him. He just sighed and patted Louis' head with his greasy hands, making Louis pull a disgusted face at him and press himself against the wall, trying to get away. "I don't hate being a bartender, but sometimes it just sucks you know? It was just supposed to be temporary, till I can live off my art but now I barely have time to paint."

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