Sixty Seven

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Per Janes suggestion, Louis had sat down to have a long hard conversation about their relationship and he had realized that this might be a lot harder than he had anticipated. For one, Harrys is nothing like Liam and that's all he's ever known, but on the other hand he was also looking forward to knowing Harry's ways. Maybe it was a bit different from what he had ingrained in his brain, but different is good, right? 

And for once Louis was actually excited about the change, he had always been reluctant to it because he knew learning something new left more room for mistakes. Room that was once filled with routine was now an empty space for doubts to grow into this ugly monster in your chest that would eat away on your insides until you were left with nothing but a shell of a man that tugged up the corners of your lips until they resembled a smile. But recently he had started to think that maybe a bit of change wasn't so bad. Maybe they could use that empty space to grow for themselves this time and not let the monster take over. And even though that might get hard at times, he would have Harry there to help him fight it so that was alright. 

He had talked to Harry about getting a new job because he just couldn't help but feel uncomfortable with the whole dynamic no matter how hard he tried, and while Harry understood where he was coming from he was still a bit disappointed that they wouldn't be seeing each other as much. They decided that he would quit at the end of the year so Louis would have some time to find a new job and Harry would have some time to find a new assistant. But nobody would be as good as Louis.

So with Louis' head in Zayn's lap staring at the tv, only one thing went through his mind. "We should totally double date, you know I wanna meet her one off these days." Zayn's eyes snapped down to his friend, "Okay first of all, yes we should. I've been telling you this ever since . . . forever. Second of all, you've met her several times already."

"Yeah for like two seconds when she came to pick you up- what was that about by the way? What happened to the old ways of a gentleman? Hmm? Oh, and we should invite Niall and Chloe too!"

"Who's Chloe?" He looked confused for a split second. "Oh right, she is the one who looks like an elf," Zayn commented.

"What, how?" Louis finally tore his eyes away from the screen.

"Well she is short and her hair is practically gold, I mean have you seen it. It's like Trump got it for her," and now that Louis thought about it, yeah maybe she did look a little bit like an elf with her icy blue eyes and little button nose, and those freckles on her cheeks. 

"Huh. Well that explains why she decided to date a leprechaun." 

"What about this one?" Harry asked and held up a beige coat for Louis to see. He looked at it for two seconds before shaking his head no. They had gone out shopping cause Louis was in some serious need for some new winter clothes and he doesn't know why he had put it off for so long. December was right around the corner and he hasn't even started christmas shopping for Harry or his friends, though he figured that would be much easier considering he wouldn't have to think about how serious his present was. With Harry, he wasn't sure what kind of present to get him. He wasn't so good at this whole new relationship thing. Should he get him something fun? Or something more serious? And why are presents a thing again? 

So he decided to keep an eye on Harry while they were out today to see if he could get any clues on what Harry wanted. It was hard because he knew if he saw something he really wanted he could easily just get it himself so he had thought quite a lot about maybe getting him something more personal, except the problem with that was that Louis was the least crafty person out there. He couldn't even wrap a present properly without it looking like it's been shipped through an airport. 

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