Thirty Five

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Just as he moved the pan from the hot stove, the front door klicked open before it was slammed back shut again making Louis jump where he was standing. He wasn't sure what was going on but he had a bad feeling growing in his gut as he made his way toward the front door. Liam kicked off his shoes and his head snapped up when he heard footsteps near him, eyes filled with fury. Louis tried to swallow the lump in his throat but it seemed to be impossible as it just grew and he could feel his clothes start to stick to his back.

Liam pushed his shoes aside with his foot before slowly walking towards him, never breaking eye contact. He shivered at the cold daggers sent his way but he couldn't look away as Liam slowly moved closer. The seconds felt like minutes, hours even, before he finally came to a stop. "I got a call from a little friend of mine," a million things raced through his head at that moment thinking of every possible reason he could be mad right now as Liam's breath fanned across his face. "Said he wanted to talk about something important, something about you. . .'' Louis couldn't possibly imagine what he had done now but he knew what was to come, he looked up at Liam with wide eyes as he continued, "so I met with him, and you know what he told me?" He took another step closer making Louis back away until he was trapped between the wall and Liam's broad chest. "That he was worried about a little someone's eating habits, who he had been seing regularly for months!" His voice was so low, it shook him to the core. He really did try to control his shaking figure but it didn't work at all as Liam rested his hands on either side of his head, caging him.

"Said he and a certain Harry Styles was worried about you," he said through gritted teeth before stopping for a moment, his dark eyes scanning over him before looking into his eyes again. Louis let out a shaky breath when he felt Liam grab at his waist, nails digging into his skin. "I told you to stay away from them!" He screamed and punched the wall right beside Louis' face. He whimpered and closed his eyes, trying to crawl into the wall. Liam moved his hand from his waist to his stomach and chest, "what? You're not even going to defend yourself?" He snarled as he moved his hand up and down before pinching his skin between his fingers. 

No, Louis thought, he would not defend himself because he had it coming, he knew Liam would find out eventually, he deserved this, "I decide what you deserve!" he roared. Did he say that out loud? Louis didn't know, his brain wasn't functioning normally right now. "You deserve to fucking starve, should've just let you starve you. . ." He clenched his fist beside his head and all Louis could do was stand and wait for what was to come. His hand moved to grab his shoulder, slamming him into the wall. Louis hit his head so hard, he had white spots covering his vision. 

"I can't believe you did this to me!" He felt a blow to the stomach and would've doubled over in pain if Liam wasn't holding him pinned against the wall. He let out a scream in agony as Liam punched him again, and again, and again, until Louis struggled to breath. "I told you to stay away! You said- you, why do- what is wrong with you?" He had thought about this alot. What was wrong with him? He brooded on this everyday but never seemed to come to an answer which just made him even more pathetic. "You don't need more fat on this!" He snarled and pinched his stomach again and watched the skin go red.

When Liam finally let go, he fell to the floor and clutched his stomach in pain, his body hurt, his stomach hurt, his head hurt, everything fucking hurt so much and Louis just wanted to die. Tears ran down his face as he laid on the floor, Liam kicked him in the stomach again and he was sure he was about to throw up. He crouched down beside his face and just looked, for a moment there Louis thought that he might show him some mercy, but that thought only lasted for a second. Liam grabbed his hair in his fist and dragged his head off the floor, "don't ever lie to me again," he spat before getting up and leaving.


Louis must've passed out on the floor cause he woke up by the door slamming and he immediately scrambled to sit up. He groaned in pain and wrapped his arms around his stomach as the memories raced through his mind. His head was pounding and he could feel a couple of tears run down his face but he just dried them with the back of his hand before trying to stand up, but he felt like someone had stabbed his sides with a fucking butchers knife and fell right back to the floor. 

He let the tears fall for a moment before deciding that he had to get up, he had to go to work. He had no idea what time it was but he knew Liam wasn't home, he had just left so Louis knew for sure that he was late. He groaned at the thought of what Mr.Styles would do when he showed up at least an hour late. Grabbing the wall for support, Louis managed to stand up again. He looked at the clock and gasped when he realized that it was already past nine. Mr.Styles was going to kill him! 

He limped towards the bedroom and opened his closet and a wave of exhaustion washed over him. He really did not want to go to work today, or like this. He stared into the rows of shirts hanging in his closet thinking about if he should go or not. After a long moment he finally decided to call in sick; just today he thought.

He limped back out to the kitchen and picked up his phone from the counter.

Harry's POV

"What did he say?" He asked anxiously as he leaned against the counter.

"He said he would talk to him bu-" Niall started.

"That's great!"

"Yeah, but Harry, he also said that it would be best to not take him out for lunch anymore. You know, so I don't pressure him or anything," Niall explained.

"Oh, yeah I guess that makes sense. . ." The line went quiet for a moment as they both thought about everything going on. "But isn't it better if you do? So someone makes sure he actually eats?" Harry asked, doubtfully.

"Yeah I thought so too, but he insisted and he probably knows best," Niall sighed.

"Yeah. . . "

"Just make sure to check up on him," Niall said before they said their goodbyes and the call ended.

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