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I buried my face in my pillow, trying to keep the sun out of my face as it seeped through the blinds lit up the room. I keened into the cushions and tried to fall back asleep when my blanket was gently pulled off my face. I groaned and tried to tugg it back up but it was stuck on something. I slowly pried one eye open to see Liam leaning over me with a grin on his face. He leaned down to peck my lips and I smiled. "C'mon love, I made you breakfast" He said, making my grin even wider. I quickly got up and put on a hoodie before following Liam out to the kitchen.

He had set up two plates with stacks of pancakes on them and maple syrup drizzled over them. "I wanted to do something nice because you always work so much lately, I feel like we barely see each other anymore," he said. "And today after work I want to take you out for dinner. How about that?" He asked with a hopeful smile.

I walked up to him and snaked my arms around his waist. "That would be lovely. Thank you for doing this for me, I love you so much" I said and pressed my lips together.

I walked into work in a great mood, the breakfast had been delicious and afterwards we took a shower together where we may or may not have made out for a while before I sadly had to start getting ready. I was looking forward to tonight, I couldn't really wipe the smile off my face even if I wanted to. We hadn't been on a date for so long, I don't think I could tell you the last time we went out to just have dinner and spend some time together. I stepped out of the elevator with a huge grin and went straight to the kitchen to make the coffee before heading towards Mr.Styles' office. I knocked and went in and placed the mug on his desk just like every morning, trying to neutralize my expression.

"Good morning, sir," I said. He looked up at me and raised his eyebrow as his eyes scanned over my face for a moment before telling me to get to work.

Fortunately the rest of the day went by pretty smoothly, Mr.Styles wasn't too horrible and I managed to maintain my good mood throughout the entire day. I walked out of the building ready to drive home when I spotted Liam's car in the parking lot. Confused, I started walking over and he climbed out of his car when he spotted me. "What are you doing here? I thought we were meeting at home?" I asked, confused. He just chuckled and leaned down to kiss me, "I wanted to surprise you. You don't have to change, we're going some place nice." He explained and climbed into the car, the silence soon taking over.

"So how was your day?" He asked eventually.

Harry's POV

I sighed in annoyance as I cleared my desk for the day when my phone started ringing, I picked it up without looking at the calling ID and brought it to my ear.


"Hey Harry, where ya at?" It was Niall.

"I'm just about to leave the office, I'll be there in ten" I said and hung up. We had planned to have dinner tonight and catch up a bit since I've been so busy lately. There was a new restaurant downtown he wanted to check out so we decided to meet there. I picked up my bag and groaned in annoyance as I accidentally knocked over some pens from my desk, not helping my mood right now. I just found out that I might have to plan a trip to New York for a meeting soon, the thought of her making my blood boil. I took a deep breath, taming the flaring flame in my chest and slammed the door shut and ran down a couple of flights of stairs, adrenaline pumping through my body before getting into one of the elevators. I was definitely hitting the gym today, I needed to clear my fucking head before punched a hole in my wall again.

Me and Niall were sitting at a table in a little more secluded corner, waiting for our food to be brought over. "So how's Louis doing?" Niall asked. I looked at him, a little confused, "he's doing fine, why?"

"Just wondering how he's doing," he shrugged. "And he just walked in with his boyfriend," he nodded their way.

"Really, where?"

"Yeah, he's over there." He pointed around the corner and I was thankful for the placing of the tables so they couldn't see us. "That's Liam Payne, I met him in uni, said his boyfriend needed a job. Remember the friend I talked about?"

"Oh?" he was the friend? Why did I not know this?

"Yeah, I ran into him on his first day. He seemed like a nice fellow. I'm glad it's working out, they seemed to be a bit tight on money. But that obviously isn't a problem anymore." He chuckled and looked over at them.

"Yeah, well that's good for them," I shrugged.

"Yeah, they've been together since uni I think but I never met him." Niall sighed. "Liam is a pretty private person, a little like you actually," he chuckled. " I really think you should start dating again," Niall said and I crossed my arms over my chest defensively and was about to object but he held up his hand, cutting me off. "I know, I know. You're not ready, it'll just burn down to the grown again but you've been saying that for years now. Don't you want to find something like that? Look at them, they're such a sweet couple, don't you think?"

I looked over at them again and shrugged, "I mean sure" I pondered for a bit. "He seems a little tense though."

"Maybe he's just nervous"

"Why would he be nervous with his boyfriend?"

"I don't know, you said he always seemed tense."

"No, only when we are in the office," I rolled my eyes.

"Well that's weird. Maybe he has social anxiety or something"

"Then why would his boyfriend take him out to a restaurant?" I asked, getting a little annoyed with this whole thing.

Niall shrugged. "Who knows. Maybe they're just going through a rough patch."

"Yeah, maybe," I mumbled. 

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