Sixty Five

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⚠️Trigger warning⚠️
If you're triggered by rape/non consensual sex you should skip this chapter(du också Ingroooow!)

Liam got up and walked over to where Louis was standing, fiddling with his fingers. Liam nudged his chin with his finger, making him look up from where his eyes were glued on the floor. Liam let out a little sigh when he saw the look on his face, he leaned down and gently placed a kiss on his lips. Louis closed his eyes and kissed back when he felt Liam start moving his lips. Smiling, Louis let out a happy sigh, this was good, he wasn't mad. He placed his hand on Louis' neck as he slowly deepened the kiss, the other one resting on his cheek.

A groan left his lips as his hands went to grab at Louis' hair and he opened his eyes to see Louis looking up at him through his wet eyelashes, teartracks staining his cheeks as Liam thrust into him and within moments he was coming down his throat and Louis pulled off with a pop and wiped his mouth with the back off his hand. Liam pulled him down to his chest and he buried his face in the crook of his neck. "I'm sorry." Liam rubbed his back and kissed his head, "how can I ever stay mad at you when you wake me up like this?" he chuckled. 

"I love you"

He slowly started moving his hands as the kiss got more heated, eventually  he moved his hand down to Louis' waist, making him immediately stiffen on the spot, he broke the kiss and looked up at Liam who did not seem to take any notice. He moved on to kiss down his neck, making Louis tilt his head to the side while he brought up his hands to place on Liam's chest. He pushed gently as he felt Liams tug at his sweater, Louis felt a panic raise in him, there was no way Liam could see him like this! He couldn't bear the thought of Liam being completely compelled by him, Louis tried pushing at his chest again but Liam just let out an annoyed groan before pulling back.  

"Wait!  Wait. Hold on." Louis called as Liam fumbled with the buttons on his jeans. "What's the matter?" He asked and propped himself up on his elbows.

"I um-"


Louis looked at him unsure, does he really wanna do this? He really wasn't sure about anything at the moment and his nervousness grew when he looked down at Liam. "I just- will you just wait a moment?" He said, trying to collect his racing thoughts. It's not like he didn't want to, he just wasn't so sure and he wasn't so sure about what he was doubting, all he knew is that he had nerves exploding in his stomach and he really wasn't sure if that was a good thing.

He nodded, "Of Course" he sighed, "I just love you so much, let me show you how much i love you. Don't you love me?" He asked with a frown. 

"No, don't say that. Of Course I love you."

Without wasting a moment he pulled the hoodie over his head, Louis' eyes widened in shock and he immediately wrapped his arms around his stomach, trying to cover himself up somehow. But it didn't work, not when Liam removed his arms and his hands started to hungrily roam his body. Louis was frozen on the spot, not knowing what to do, and even if he did he couldn't do anything. He couldn't move; he just stood there breathing loudly through his mouth as Liam's hands settled on his lower back and waist, still mouthing on his neck. Eventually Liam pulled back once again with a grunt.  

"Just relax, will you!" He hissed as Louis tried to protest once again. He really wasn't sure about this, what if someone saw them? Louis was not quite sure he could handle that kind of humiliation but Liam didn't seem to have a problem with it. Apparently he used to do this with his ex all the time so how come Louis had such an issue with it? It wasn't a big deal so he should just relax, he told himself. Calm down, just calm the fuck down. "So what if someone hears us? I want the world to know how much I love you." 

Louis swallowed and nodded, "yeah okay. I love you too."

He looked at Louis, eyes scanning over his body and he wanted to scream, to run away and hide and never show his face here again. He couldn't believe this was happening, he felt his throat clog up but he couldn't get a word out. There was no way for him to get put off this without making Liam mad, he thought as his mind raced for an answer. He came to the conclusion that this was better that upsetting Liam right now cause he just didn't have the energy to fight. Liam grinned at him with satisfaction before grabbing his arm and dragged him away to their bedroom.  

As soon as the door slammed open Louis was on his feet, basically throwing himself on Liam as he entered the cramped hallway. He stumbled back a couple of steps before regaining his computer and wrapping his arms around Louis' tiny waist and all Louis could hope was that he wouldn't ask a bunch of questions, he couldn't take that right now. All he wanted was to be curled up in bed with him and fall asleep and maybe if he was good he would get that tonight. His fingers tangled in Liams hair as he lifted him up with his hands under his thighs. 

"I love you," he panted into Liam's mouth as his back slammed into the wall.

They stumbled onto the bed and Louis scrambled back until he hit the headboard. Liam loomed over him, taking in his naked body before kissing sloppily down his neck to his stomach. Louis' heart raced hard as Liam tugged down his pants. He gulped down the lump in his throat as Liam quickly palmed him through his boxers and he hated how quickly he grew hard. Louis' hands moved to his hair, tugging, trying to get him to move. But he didn't budge. Liam grunted in annoyance before grabbing his hands and pinning them down into the mattress beside his hip. 

Liam was towering over him with those brown- no black eyes and he could practically feel the fury radiae off of him. "I can't belive you would do this to me" he growled and within a second, he was laing on the floor, his cheek burning red. Louis scrambled back utill he was cornered and couldnt get any further . Liam crouched down infront of him, "where do you think you're going?" He asked in that low voice of his that always shook Louis to the core. "Don't think youll get away with this. You're gonna pay for this," he growled, grabbing him harshly by the collar. 

"What's the matter? Getting cocky are ya?" He chuckled and pulled down his own boxers. "Whats gotten into you?" Liam tugged at his cock a couple of times before strippimg down completely. He licked his fingers and Louis bit his lips as he entered one. It hurt. It hurt so bad but he would just have to relax. Relax and it would be fine. Liam is his boyfriend for fucks sake. Eventually the pain eased and Liam quickly opened him up with two fingers. He realized Louis' wrist and he immediately went to wrap them around his bulging stomach. Liam glared at him. 

His nails scratched Liam's back as he entered him. "Fuck, your so tight," he groaned and his hips jerked. "Aren't I always? Dont you just love to fuck me like this?" He asked softly and arched his back high off the bed. "Love it baby, love you like this," he mumbled as his phace picked up.

"Louis. Do as I say, you dont wanna get punished," he removed his arms, biting back his tears. He closed his eyes and fisted the bedsheet beneath him as Liam wasted no time entering him, letting out a low moan as he bottomed out. He swallowed the growing lump in his throat. Calm down. Just calm down. It's just Liam. He breathed in shaky breaths as he started moving at a fast, unforgiving phace. Louis couldn't keep his moans in as Liam moved in. Liam gripped his arm tightly, nails digging into his skin and after what could have been hours Louis came with a quiet moan, Liam following not after with a satisfied grunt. He slumped down beside Louis and planted a little kiss on his lips. "You're so good baby," he breathed out, "I love you." 

Louis wiped at his eyes, "I love you too."

Harry rolled over and reached his hand out to find the other side of the bed empty. He peered one eye open to see that Louis was gone. Harry sat up confused and looked around the room, he shouldt be up at this time. He's never up this early. His eyes scanned the room and he noticed that Louis' sweater was gone.

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