Fifty One

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Harry phased around his flat trying to calm down. This was plain ridiculous, he wanted to call Niall but he was probably asleep by now. What should he do now? Louis had finally become comfortable around him and Harry had to fuck that up with a stupid crush. What if he found out? He would run for his life. Specially after his last boss fucking asulted him. 

He sat down by the kitchen table and started his phone. His leg bounced up and down as he stared at his screen waiting for the 'Apple' logo to appear. He checked Niall's worried messages to his angry rant texts as Harry still hadn't answered. The last text was sent an hour ago. Should he call him? He could call him. What if he was asleep?  
Harry pressed the call after deciding that it was Niall's fault for texting him in the middle of the night.

Soon he heard Niall's groggy voice through the phone. "What happened to Louis? Is he alright?"

"Did I wake you?" He asked.

"Yeah. What happened?" He asked, voice laced with worry.

Harry sighed, "he's fine. I drove him back to Zayn's and stayed with him until he got back. I just got home like twenty minutes ago," Harry explained.

"But that was Liam?" He said.

"Yeah. Remember when I said they broke up?" He started. "Or remember that time he passed out at the office?"

"Yeah?" He sounded really confused and Harry didn't blame him.

"Um, when I got to the hospital they called Liam but he didn't pick up I think and that's why they called Zayn and after he showed up the doctor took us into his office and explained that he would not be going back to Liam. He said that they found some bruises and scars and he couldn't go back so Zayn said he could live with him instead."

"What? What do you mean? But that's not- But. . . What? What are you saying?" 

Harry didn't answer, not wanting to say those words out loud and actually forcing himself to believe it. It may be extremely selfish, this isn't even about him but he didnt care. He simply couldn't bring himself to utter those words without feeling like acid burning his fucking throat.

"But I would've noticed," he said quietly.

Harry shook his head even though Niall couldn't see him. "I know. I know. I cant belive I didnt fucking notice. I sould have fucking noticed!" He yelled, finally letting his frustration out. "Fuck!" He rested his head against the wall and kicked the wall. He should have seen it! Why didn't he see it?

Niall was quiet during Harry's outburst, trying to process what the hell Harry just told him. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. "Oh God!  Harry why didn't you tell me about this earlier?" He asked, matching Harry's tone. 

Harry repeatedly banged his head against the wall, "Harry! What the hell are you doing?" 

"I can't believe I didn't do anything," he yelled again and slid down the wall. "Remember that time I texted you from New york? I told you something was wrong but you told me it wasn't a big deal. This is your fault!" He said accusingly.  

"Calm down Harry. Being mad isn't going to help." Harry grunted in response.  What the fuck does he know? "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked again. 

Harry sighed, "I don't know. I dont know. I just- I don't know. And the whole time he didn't even say anything." 


"Louis. He didn't talk at all. It was like when he first met, but so much worse."

"I'm sure he'll be fine. He's been a lot happier recently, right? And you said he's living with Zayn now, right? He's obviously shaken but he'll get better again," he said calmly. "Just don't chew his head off next time he messes up your coffee," he chuckled and if Harry could he would punch him in the throat right now. 

Louis stared up at the ceiling, too lazy to move. He can't remember the last time he had slept this good and it was honestly refreshing, doesn't mean he's going to get up right away though. He turned to lay on his side and realized that he was still in his shirt. He really gotta stop doing that, he only has so much clothes. He should go shopping, he thought. So he has some more of his stuff here. He yawned and stretched his arms over his head. He felt like someone had shoved barbed wire down his throat, knotted it and then pulled it back up again. 

He broke into a coughing fit as the memories from yesterday poured in. Liam was there. He was there, at his job. What if he comes back? What if he comes here? He told him he was with Zayn. Liam was going to kill him! He shot up from the couch, looking for Zayn. He found him in the kitchen staring intently at his phone. 


Zayn snapped his head up, "oh, your up. How are you feeling?" He asked. 

"Im good. Good," he said asd tried to swallow the pain in his throat. "How are you?" He asked, looking around the room. "Did Harry leave?" 

Zayn looked at him oddly, "I'm alright and Harry he left when I got home yesterday. I think he fell asleep on the couch."

"Oh, alright. Okay, well um. Okay. Did he say anything about, or did he say anything?" He asked and scratched his neck. 

Zayn sighed, "he told me about what happened."

Louis nodded curtly, "I told him I was with you," he blurted out. "What if he finds you? He's going to kill you. Like literally." Zayn's eyebrows furrowed. 

"We should call the police," he said.

"No! Don't call the police, he probably wont do anything! He won't find you," he exclaimed, panic evident in his voice. 

"He wont do anything? Louis, he already has. He almost killed you!" 

Louis shook his head, "no, no, please don't call the police," he pleaded.

"You know, if I don't, Harry might," he said.

"No, why would he do that? He won't do that. He can't go to jail. He hasn't done anything," He said, ignoring the excruciating pain he felt every time he talked.

"But Louis, why cant he call the police if he didnt do anything wrong? Then he'll be set free after an investigation and you can go back to him. That's what you want right?"

Louis nodded frantically, "yeah but- But what if they charge him?" He asked. 

"For what? You said he hasn't done anything."

Louis phaced around the room as his breathing sped up, "no but, you said that- but that doctor said that he would go to jail," he said, panicked. 

Zayn shook his head, "no, he said there would be an investigation, if he's innocent nothing bad will happen." Louis was so close to crying.

"No, no, no no, no," why did this happen? Louis wanted to curl into a ball and disappear from the face of earth. He put Zayn in danger because of his own stupid actions and now he wants to call the fucking police and if Liam went to jail it would all be his fault. Why couldn't he just be a good boyfriend? Then none of this would've happened.

Louis nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard his phone ring. He cursed loudly before looking at the screen.

Mr.Styles is calling...

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