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I groaned and reached for the blanket to pull over my head to shield me from the strong light intensifying my pounding headache. With the blanket over my head, I slowly peered my eyes open and tried to stretch my legs but they bumped into something hard. My neck was a bit stiff and I realized I wasn't on my bed. Pulling the blanket down, I quickly looked around and the memories started to flood in. With wide eyes I scanned the room for Mr.Styles but he was nowhere to be seen. Just as I was about to get up, the bathroom door opened and he stepped out in a grey t-shirt and sweats that hung loose on his hips. He had his hair up in a bun and it was weird seeing him like this, so relaxed and I don't know. . . homey? I immediately got up and ran my fingers through my hair to make it look less disheveled. I walked over to him where he was standing beside a desk and immediately apologized for yesterday.

That was so, so stupid. I can't believe I actually did that. How Mr.Styles hadn't kicked me out and fired me already, I would never understand. He probably needed an assistant for the trip, that's why I'm here in the first place. He would probably fire me when we got back home to London. I could feel the lump in my throat growing, making it even harder to form words but I did my best to apologize profusely and he seemed to accept it. I think. Mr.Styles was very hard to read and most of the time I was completely wrong so I could just hope for the best I guess. I grabbed some clothes from my suitcase and locked myself in the bathroom.

I started the water and stripped out of my shirt and suit pants before stepping into the shower. My hair still had gel in it from yesterday that I tried to rinse out. I had noticed that my suit jacket had some sort of stain on it, I don't really know what it is but I hope it dissolves in water. I had another suit with me but I didn't like that one as much. Liam said it was to tight around my waist and it made me uncomfortable to wear around people. I thought back at the conversation from yesterday, I still can't belive I was so stupid. Of Course he wouldn't react well. God, I should've just stayed at some motel or something, then none of this would have happened. No wonder he's mad, after what happened with Mr.Adams I mean. I would be mad too if I was him. If my boyfriend was off somewhere with some other man doing God knows what. After what I did, anything could happen, I would be jealous to.

I rinsed out the shampoo before quickly washing my body and stepping out of the shower. I grabbed a towel from the cabinet under the sink and dried myself off. I tried not to look but I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I looked at the now fading bruises littered over my torso, over my fat on my stomach. I quickly averted my eyes before slipping on a new pair of boxers. I put on one of Liam's oversized hoodies that I brought with me cause I knew I would miss him, though it wasn't oversized on him, it was actually pretty tight fitting.

I really liked this one, though it was kinda cool. It was a grey camouflage print with a wolf hiding in the pattern. I slipped on some black joggers and brushed through my hair a couple of times. I actually found the room kind of chilly. When I was done I grabbed my stuff and stepped out of the room. I saw Mr.Styles get up as I packed my stuff back into the bag. He slipped on his shoes and looked at me expectantly. I looked back at him and didn't know what to do. After a while of awkward staring he finally said "you coming?"

Where? I thought we weren't going anywhere today. And we are still in our sweats. "Where?" I asked, confused.

"To get lunch," he said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Or that would be breakfast for you I guess." He said it so casually, like we were friends on holiday.

"Oh, I'm actually not that hungry, still feeling a bit sick" I said and put a hand on my stomach to emphasize my words.

"Are you sure?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows, "You didn't eat anything on the plane eather."

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