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I zipped my bag and slung it over my shoulder just as Liam walked in, he wrapped his arms around me from behind and pecked my head as I leaned into his touch. "I'm going to miss you," I said and sighed a little. I didn't want to go, didn't want to be away from him for a whole week. The only time I had been away from him for that long was when I had to go to a conference with Mr.Adams and everything just went downhill after that.

"I will miss you too." I turned in his arms and kissed him. "The car should be here any minute, I should get going," he hummed but just tightened his arms around me and I rested my chin on his chest and looked up at him to see him staring straight ahead with a slight frown on his face, eventually pulling away and looked down at me. "I love you," I said. He hummed again "I love you too, now don't do anything stupid on this trip. I don't want you to lose your job again". I frowned, "I won't, I promise." He grabbed my small suitcase and started walking towards the door, silently walking down the stairs. I got a text telling me that the car was here, "just in time," I mumbled.

He hugged me again before bidding me goodbye with a kiss. He helped me load the bag into the trunk as I walked around the black Range Rover and opened the door, a little gasp falling from my lips as I was Mr.Styles sitting there, making him look up. Why was he here? I thought we were meeting at the airport? Now I have to ride with him there as well? Great. I quickly got in the car and suppressed a sigh. "Good morning sir" I greeted him while adjusting my duffle bag on my shoulder, though it was barely morning anymore. He nodded at me and went back to text someone on his phone and it fell quiet. "I thought we were meeting at the airport" I said. He looked up at me with raised eyebrows, "It was on the way, might as well take the same car" he said in his usual monotone voice. I nodded and looked out the window.

The silence took over once again and it was making me weirdly uncomfortable. I looked over at Mr.Styles every now and again to see him still on his phone and I willed to calm my hammering heart. It's fine, I told myself. I'm just overreacting like Liam said. He's right, there is nothing to be worried about. I'm being dramatic. I leaned forward in my seat and started bouncing my leg up and down to try to calm myself down. I looked over to my right at Mr.Styles, he had put his phone away and was now staring ahead. He must've sensed my eyes on him because he looked over at me and I quickly averted my gaze to the floor. My eyes kept flickering around the car until they finally landed on a little wrinkle on my pants by my knee.

I stared intently at it until I felt my neck go a bit stiff and quickly threw a glance at Mr.Styles before looking out the window again. After what felt like an eternity we finally pulled up at the airport making me let out a sigh of relief. The driver got out of the car and grabbed our bags from the trunk as we climbed out as well. He handed me my little suitcase and Mr.Styles had a big duffle bag that he slung over his shoulder and I took out my phone from my pocket to check the time, we had about an hour before our plane would take off.

Luckily the security went smoothly and we got on the plane. Now, I had never been on a private jet before but it was exactly like I had seen it in the movies. The seats were a light creme colour and the carpet down the aisle was a deep burgundy with thin golden lines that created a criss cross pattern. The seats looked like comfortable armchairs rather than those tiny ass chairs where you could barely fit your feet, with blankets hanging over the armrests, the colour matching the carpet. Mr.Styles placed his bag on one of the seats and sat down beside a window.

There were four chairs on either side of the aisle, two and two facing each other. I took a seat on the other side of the aisle and facing the other direction so I could easily see him and put my bag down on the chair beside me and made myself comfortable in my seat. I took out my phone from my pocket and sent Liam a text telling him we had boarded the plane before turning on flight mode and putting my seat belt on. I tried to relax as the plane started moving but I couldn't help to feel uneasy being alone with Mr.Styles for so long. What if something happened? I really don't know how I would handle that, and Liam most certainly wouldn't be happy with how he reacted last time.

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