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I woke up to my blaring alarm ringing in my ears. I scrambled to quickly turn it off so Liam doesn't wake up. I had to get up at 6.30 everyday if I wanted to get to work in time. Liam always wakes up after me and comes home later than me so I did my best to not disturb him and quietly crawled out of bed and went to the bathroom out in the hall. I quickly did my business and brushed my teeth before taking a quick shower and shaving while thinking about how I should have done it last night instead. Then I dried my hair and styled it into a quiff before heading back to our bedroom and changed into a white shirt and black suit. I put on my socks and black shoes before grabbing my keys and headed out.

The first week had gone by pretty fast and now I wasn't going to get Chloe's assistans so it became easier to not talk to her. But the thing was she is so nice I feel so bad turning her down. The look in her eyes tells me she really does care and is not just being nice or polite for my sake, like she wants to be my friend. It was kinda an odd feeling for me, but I appreciate it none that less.

I knocked on Mr.Styles' door with his coffee and hand and walked in when I heard his "come in." I placed the mug on his desk. "Good Morning sir" I greeted him. He briefly looked up at me from his computer screen. "Start with preparing for my meeting with Mr.Smith. Go over the points on the email I sent you. You are going to assist me in the meeting and take notes on what is said. Then I want you to book a meeting with Mr.Jones as soon as possible. When you're done with that I want you to sort through some files." He said before taking a sip of his coffee. Not even a 'Hi'. I thought about what Niall said but It's been a week and he's still rude as hell. Why would you ever spend your free time with him? But I just nodded like always. "Yes sir" and walked out of the room.

I quickly got to work and looked over his schedule, the meeting was at 10 am. I went through the email he sent me; something about purchases from a regular merchant so there was nothing to worry about there. I managed to book a meeting with Mr.Jones on Wednesday and quickly emailed Mr.Styles the information needed and before I knew it, it was time for the meeting.

I was back at my desk, sorting through the files after the meeting and I gotta say, I was happy it went as smoothly as it did because I'm not sure how to handle any different kind of situation. I grabbed my highlighter from my drawer when I saw Chloe approaching. She smiled brightly at me. "Hi, I just thought I would check up on you, see how you're doing on your own'' she said. I smiled at that, I loved how caring she was. "It's actually going great, I just had my first meeting" I said. She smiled even brighter "that's good to hear. So I was wondering if you would like to have that lunch today?" She asked and I saw the hope sparking in her eyes. I wanted to say yes, I really did but I couldn't. I couldn't upset Liam again. I couldn't risk losing him. "I'm sorry, but I can't today. I promised to have lunch with my boyfriend" I said.

Her smile dropped but she quickly covered it up, "that's fine, maybe some other time." I smiled apologetically at her, "yeah, some other time." Just when I thought she was about to leave- "let's exchange numbers, so we can go out sometime." I couldn't come up with an excuse not to so I reluctantly handed her my phone and typed in my number in hers and she finally bid me goodbye and left.

When lunch time rolled around I went to the staff kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. I took my mug off the shelf and poured some freshly brewed coffee. It was a mug Liam had given me, with 'Best Boyfriend' printed on it with a big red heart surrounded by many smaller pink hearts scattered around it. I had thought it was a bit cheesy but Liam had gotten me it so I loved it. I poured in some milk and lots of sugar before heading back to my desk. I had been working through all my lunches so far, thought it would help me lose weight and I could get more work done and maybe get on Mr.Styles' good side. If he even had a good side.

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