Twenty Four

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Louis nervously looked around for familiar faces as they stepped into the building. He immediately recognized the man at the front desk, Louis saw him eyeing him but didn't say anything as Mr.Styles talked to him. He wondered if Mr.Styles knew that this is where he worked, it did say on his resume but maybe he forgot. 

He recognized a few people on their way to the office but no one approached them, just a few polite smiles, if that. Louis still didn't know why they were here but he was about to find out when they were met by a middle aged man. Louis didn't recognize him, maybe he was new. They shook hands and the man introduced himself as Madison Miller.

They walked into a conference room with a few familiar faces, one of them being Mr.Adams. Louis immediately averted his gaze, hoping he didn't see him. He could feel his heart racing in his chest as he took a seat next to Mr.Styles and the meeting began. Louis keeps glancing towards Mr.Adams throughout the meeting to always see him already looking back at him. Always with a little smirk on his face, making Louis unbearably uneasy. But he did his best to focus on what was being said instead, Louis soon realized that this was about Mrs.Jones. He wasn't quite sure on what was going on, but he did his job and noted everything down the best he could, but it was proven to be incredibly hard with Mr.Adams' burning eyes on him the entire time.

Mr.Styles was discussing something with a woman as they walked out of the room, Louis had already seen Mr.Adams leave, so he felt slightly calmer as he stood beside Mr.Styles  as they seemed deep in conversation. He looked around the hallways as he waited for Mr.Styles and almost fell out of surprise when he felt someone touch his arm. Mr.Styles looked at him oddly for a brief moment before averting his attention back to the woman.

"Tomlinson!" A familiar voice exclaimed. He whipped his head in the direction and stumbled back a step, still taken aback. "Didn't think I would see you here again" he said with that all too familiar smirk on his face. Louis looked at him for a moment, contemplating on what to do as he felt his mouth go dry. "I'm here for a meeting" he said quietly and threw a glance at Mr.Styles. He followed his gaze and then looked back at Louis. "I know that" he said and chuckled.

Louis swallowed, he would really like a glass of water right now. "So you work for Harry Styles now" he stated and Louis was hoping that he would just go away. He didn't want to talk to him. He looked over at Mr.Styles again to see if he was ready to leave, but he was still talking.

"You work at Styles Empire?" He questioned when Louis didn't say anything. Louis just nodded.

"Yes" just as he was about to say something else, Louis beat him to it. He excused himself and went to the bathrooms further down the hall. 

He splashed some cold water on his face and watched the droplets run down his neck. The bruise had faded a lot but was still slightly noticeable. Louis placed his hand on his heart, feeling how it was hammering under his palm, he just felt completely exhausted, like all his energy had just drained out of him and he just wanted to crawl into his warm bed and sleep. Preferably with Liam there to hold him. 

He dried his face with some paper towels and was about to leave when the door opened and Mr.Adams walked in. He closed the door behind him and walked up to the sink beside Louis, fixing his hair in the mirror.  Louis started to feel nauseous, he could feel his throat clog up but he couldn't seem to tear him eyes of off him. In fact, he couldn't move at all. Mr.Adams turned to look at him and that seemed to snap him out of it. 

He went to leave but Mr.Adams stepped in front of him and suddenly he couldn't breath at all. He could see Mr.Adams' lips moving but he couldn't hear a word he was saying, everything was like a faint buzzing in the background and Louis felt incredibly dizzy. He went to put his arm out for support against the wall but it was like his arms were made out of lead. 

Mr.Adams was still talking but it looked different, almost as if he was concerned. But Louis couldn't quite tell, his vision was becoming blurrier by the moment.

Harry's POV

They stepped out of the car when they arrived in front of the law firm, Harry had a meeting with Mr.Miller concerning Marie and Elisia, he wanted them out of his life for good. Harry noticed some eyes on them as they walked down the hall but didn't think much of it, he was used to the stares. 

They met up with Mr.Miller and took a seat in the conference room. He didn't know everyone there but he pretty much knew their rolls in this meeting so it was fine. Harry looked over at Louis as he sat down beside him, he looked utterly nervous all of a sudden. Weird, he seemed fine just a moment ago.

He kept gazing at something across the room, Harry followed his gaze and saw a man looking back at him. Harry looked between the two and noticed how he never took his eyes off Louis, and it was obviously making Louis uncomfortable. Did they know each other? What was going on? Harry faintly recognized the man but he couldn't quite put his finger on it on it but he already knew that he didn't like him.

When the meeting ended he started talking to a woman about some details they were supposed to sort out later but she just approached him and started talking and it wasn't like they were in a rush or anything. 

Suddenly Louis almost fell into him out of nowhere before quickly getting out of his way again. Harry didn't think much of it as the woman just kept talking and Harry was having a hard time keeping up with her fast pace. What she was saying was barely comprehensible, Harry thought.

After a while a man approached him, Harry recognized him as the creepy man from the meeting and he seemed kinda stressed, he looked around for Louis but he was nowhere to be seen and Harry started to get  a little worried.

"Mr.Styles, Mr.Tomlinson passed out."

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