Chapter 48

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We sat there in silence for a while, sipping our drinks, which would keep refilling as we neared the end. "So... What have you been up to?" he started, curiously changing the subject. "Other than chancing upon my wife and dressing her up so provocatively?" his lips rising into a smirk near the end.

"Nothing much... I met some nice people, hung around, took some revenge here and there, disciplined all those who tried to harm and mock me, obtained Poseidon's domain, got an army of about 3000 plus knights, got myself two beasts, got myself some much-deserved relaxation, did some shopping, and got myself a new sword and whip." I listed and summarized all the stuff in no particular order.

Hades' eyes bulged and he spat out his nectar in shock. I cringed as his spew of nectar covered my face (since it was liquid, it didn't harm me but gross!) and willed it off before making it disappear into nothingness...

Hades (gaping): How on Hera's name could you do that? You obtained another god's domain? And what's this about a beast? Surely, you don't mean those animals that have been increasing mortals' abilities, do you?

Me: Ya, though it's not the beasts that do that... Apparently, they have had that from the start...

Hades (looking at me in shock): You don't mean to say you know the reason for the changes in humans, do you? All the gods have been going crazy trying to figure that out!

Me (shrugging): Well, I've understood the gist of it...

Hades (excitedly): Well, go on!

I smiled at his excitement before telling him what I had realized and mused upon so far: "From what I guessed, you gods don't really have as much power as you do in the future; it doesn't even come up to half of that power. When I learned about the 'qi', I finally understood why there was such a huge difference. In the future, you're powers will be greater but the aura you release into the mortal world is almost not even present unless the god appears and is standing right in front of you. But here your powers are less, whereas the aura you release is abundant—so much more that it spreads completely across the world, and whatever is used up is replenished."

"But how is that relevant?"

"I'm not entirely sure how, but each mortal is born with an insignificant amount of this aura within them and they've found a way to increase that aura by absorbing the aura present in the world. This aura is what they call 'qi'. They absorb the qi into their bodies and store it within their dantian. Once the spiritual energy field in their body is full, the energy bursts and spreads all over the body, allowing them to break through to higher levels."

Hades (interested): Wow. Even we gods couldn't figure out why this so-called 'qi' was present in this world... What about the beasts?

"From what I've guessed and learned, a particular amount of God's aura is combined to form a being with their own will and mind who can form contracts with the mortals and increase each other's powers. They either come out directly from the qi, are reproduced by existing beasts, or the qi forms a sort of egg, like this."

I summoned the beast egg from the domain and handed it to Hades, who studied it with interest. "This is formed from yours and Poseidon's auras combined. According to Mael, my other contracted beast, apparently the outer layer that looks like the shell of the egg is broken and the qi inside will shift to form a baby animal, whether it is a bird or a mammal. Since they're made from your powers, it's fair to say they'd listen to you. I guess as the aura got depleted in the future, they started to go extinct since they depended on the said aura to sustain their lives... At least, that's what makes the most sense right now."

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