Chapter 46

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Demeter (alarmed): Dear Zeus!

Me (continuing): When there's war, there will be sides, and I can bet you anything that the amount siding with Uncle Hades will be less... You don't need me to continue, do you? And let's be honest, once you bring down the underworld, it would be like a domino's leading to the destruction of you gods.

Demeter: How sure are you about this?

Me (shrugging): Not at all... I just meant that if you all were truly unlucky, that is a possible outcome.

Demeter (worried): What do we do now???

I stood up and walked over to Persephone and picked up the chain, "For starters, we remove this...", I stated, moving closer to examine it. I summoned one of my karambit and tried to use it to pry her free with no success...

"But shouldn't we tell someone???", Demeter asked...

As the karambit flew out of my hand in the opposite direction, I said, "Absolutely not! It is just a hypothetical situation; we have no proof, evidence, or even a single lead regarding the matter. For all we know this was just a prank gone terribly wrong." I tried setting it on flames, then freezing it, and then I did both together, but nothing happened. It looks like the chain is immune to fire and ice...

Hades (coming up to us): What can you tell about the chain???

Me: It's well crafted... definitely not something a mortal could make.

Demeter: What about Hephaestus???

Me (trying to use my hairpin to unlock it without success): Doubt it... I considered that but there's not even the tiniest amount of his aura on it nor is his symbol. Not to mention, I don't see why he'd do such a thing...

Hades (confused): What symbol???

"Whenever Cousin Hephaestus builds something, he engraves his symbol onto it, after doing it for so long, apparently it became a habit that he does it subconsciously.", I tossed both the whip and elongated sword at Hades, "Check the hilt, you'll see it..."

Hades (seeing the hilt): So it's not Hephaestus... Who else could it be???

I sighed, as I imagined the hair stick in my hand, causing it to disappear from Hades' and appear in mine, "Honestly... I have no clue...", I pushed the sharp edge into the keyhole, surrounding the weapon with a combination of Hermes' and Hephaestus' blessings and tried tweaking inside, hoping it would work, "AHA!!!", I exclaimed as I successfully got it to open, after a lot of tries, and freed her from the chains.

"So what do we do???", asked Demeter, her voice laced with uncertainty. Had it been any other case, she would have rampaged on for revenge, but since we don't know much, even the smallest wrong move could have disastrous results.

"There's only one thing you can do... Although, you're not going to like it, which is having Aunt Persephone remain her until we find out who is responsible for this. The underworld is the safest place for her right now since it's not like just anybody can walk in here...", I responded as I burned the cuffs using Hestia's flames, which is considered the purest of flames, as an added caution.

Demeter (sighing): Fine... We'll both stay here...

Hades (clearly not liking that idea): 

"What???!!!", he gasped, his eyes widening comically in dread. I fought to keep the smirk off my face cause, wow, Uncle Hades so does not like that idea. "No can do... It will only raise suspicion. You'll have to go about your normal activities before others start questioning your absence.", I come to his rescue, like the good neph—niece I am.

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