Chapter 21

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Sorry for the wait... But as an apology, I've made this chapter longer so enjoy, vote, comment, and follow...)

Yǔ's POV

It's been about four hours since we separated and after feeling guilty for a long time, I decided to roam around and see if I could spot Lì and the rest. I knew they were heading this way so we were bound to meet up somewhere, either out here or on the other side of the portal, hopefully here.

I walked through the crowds of strangers, who were all staring at me (I guess I went a tad overboard on the disguise). The men were drooling while the women were either admiring or glaring at me while I walked by. I was minding my business, keeping an eye out for Lì, when I felt a hand on my shoulder and whipped around to see two familiar faces among all the strangers present... It was none other than Wang QinZheng and my dear sister, Li Juan (now there are two faces I wasn't even expecting). Luckily, I managed to remember that I was in disguise and didn't give anything away.

I tilted my head to the right, gave a sweet and innocent smile, and asked in a delicate voice, "Yes???". Wang QinZheng faltered from whatever he was about to say and Li Juan was giving me a look of pure hatred. Who would have thought that a single smile would have such an effect on men? As a man (in the past or the soul), I feel embarrassed for them...

Wang QinZheng (trying to hide his blush): I couldn't help but notice that you were wandering all alone... If you don't have any company, you could join me. It would be dangerous for a pretty lady like you to enter the portal alone.

Me (faking a smile (gagging on the inside)): It would seem that you are busy accompanying that sister (glancing at her)...

I could see Juan fuming when I used the word 'sister', and it didn't help when Wang QinZheng made no indication of correcting that. I'd have felt sorry for her had she been anyone else but she deserves anything that comes her way...

Wang QinZheng (having totally forgotten Juan): I'm sure she wouldn't mind an additional company...

Me (faking worry for her): She seems to mind...

Li Juan (clenching her fist as he glared at her): Brother Zheng is right... (Linking her arm in mine) It would be great if you could accompany me...

Me (suppressing the urge to flinch): I couldn't...

Li Juan (trying to keep from scowling): I insist...

I was starting to enjoy this... Juan hated her future fiancé eyeing someone else and held deep anger towards me, but what could she do?? React and risk facing QinZheng's anger or suppress her anger and be the woman who couldn't do anything but watch as her guy flirted with a total stranger... From the crowd, there were many shouts from men: "I can keep you company too, beauty!", "Don't you already have a woman right behind you?", "Leave some for us too, man!" I could also feel the glares from many women here: "What a slut!"; "Look at her getting in between that happy couple..."; "As expected from women like her to ruin something good..."; and a lot of other comments...

Wang QinZheng (smiling): What do you say??? Shall we go together???

Me: I can't... I...

It was at this moment that I felt a sharp glare from right behind me, which did not feel like that of a woman, and heard gasps from women all around. I turned around and my eyes widened. I could feel a smile forming on my face. Lì, he's here... At this moment, a thought rushed through my head, which made me smirk on the inside.

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