Chapter 16

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Li Yǔ's POV

Bai Ze (storming in): Master!! I just got word about that place showing signs of opening so we might want to get prepared. I've already sent word to Bai... (Noticing me and stopping short.) Who's this??

It was right at this moment that the door burst open and a guy stormed in. Lì immediately jumped up and away from me and turned to the intruder, who, by the way, had such bad timing (I could barely see him get flustered). I didn't realize at first that I was glaring at the guy...

(staring at the intruder for a while before replying (clearly still flustered)): Bai Ze... This is... um, that girl...

The man (Bai Ze, was it?) stared blankly, his eyes moving from Lì to me and back to Lì with a look of confusion before he seemed to realize what his master was implying. "What gi...??? Wait... The one who ran away???"

Me (snapping (still annoyed at this Bai Ze's barging in)): Hey!!! I didn't run away... I just realized how late it was and had to head back home... And I forgot to leave a note... But I did plan to come back to apologize!!!

Bai Ze (sarcastically): Ya, sure... A whole month later...

Yup, he's starting to piss me off. "I had things that needed to be settled."

Bai Ze (snorting): What would a little girly like you need to get settled... (storming up to me) And what makes you think that you can just walk in and out of here whenever you want?

Me (snapping back): I don't recall seeing your name anywhere in this forest!

(interrupting): What was it that brought you here, Bai Ze??

Bai Ze (turning towards him): Right!! There are some fluctuations in that area, clearly signs that the place is going to open soon... I've already sent word to Bai Zou and he'll meet us there.

Me (curious): What place?

Lì: Well, sometimes there are some fluctuations in places where the qi is overwhelming, which causes a rip and a portal of sorts to open... And at the other end, there are usually treasures and useful stuff we can find, even rare beasts... However, it doesn't stay open long so we usually...

Bai Ze: I don't think it's best to tell her about that, master... She could be a spy. You can't just blindly trust someone like her...

Me (starting to get angry again): 'She' is standing right in front of you and can hear everything you say, you know...

Bai Ze (annoyed): Maybe I want 'her' to hear it and shoo off... After all, you are not welcome here... So shoo (making that motion with his hand)...

Me (wishing so badly for my riptide): Ya, well 'she' feels that you should lighten up and stop acting as if you own the world!!!

Lì: Maybe both 'he' and 'she' should calm down and become friends... Anyway, we have more important stuff to discuss...

Me (huffing and turning to Lì (showing my best puppy dog eyes)): Take me with you!!! It sounds fun!!!

Bai Ze (immediately): Absolutely not, it's too dangerous for little girls like you to go prancing around to places like that as though you are going to a party...

Me: I don't recall asking you... I asked your master, so why don't be a good little servant and back off and stop making decisions for him!!!

I don't know how it happened but at some point, we were standing nose to nose, glaring at each other. Well, not exactly nose-to-nose, since I was so much shorter than him, which only infuriated me even more because that condescending ass was looking down on me! We both whip our faces towards Lì at the same time, exclaiming at the same time "MASTER!!!/ LÌ!!!!"

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