Side Story 1

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(A/N: In this book, now and then I will include side stories, which are chapters that don't have much to do with the main plot (except for small mentions) and won't be in any of the main character's perspective (Li Yǔ/ Wang Lì) with little or no mention of them, but rather in a recurring character's perspective...

It could be something that is happening in the current timeline, flashbacks, a peek into the present, etc.


-During the time Li Yǔ was in Poseidon's domain

Hephaestus' POV

I was almost done with the sword the kid had asked for; it took a week to have it completely done, the blessing included. I liked the kid; she was respectful, though at the same time rude, and didn't seem to be at all bothered with my appearance (something my mother and even most of my children are). I don't even remember the last time someone looked me in the face without flinching or showing signs of disgust; that kid was the first. He--she looked right at my face the whole time without even once showing any of the usual reactions, which was good for a change. And the fact that he had my blessing only meant that I would respect him in the future.

Building the sword was fun. I had decided to make it shift into a hairpin since that was something a girl could always wear and not be suspicious of. When it elongated into a sword, it would retain the same shape but be more sharp and deadly for both mortals and demons (since it was created from celestial bronze, Stygian iron, bone steel, and imperial gold) than when it was a pin. I decided on a complicated design just to make things challenging and more interesting for me.

It took four days to complete the project. Now all that was left was the blessing, which I still hadn't figured out how to get. I mean, it wasn't easy walking up to Poseidon and asking him to bless the sword without giving the real reason—something the kid had begged me not to do. She didn't want her father to know anything about her, her existence, or her past life until she had to tell him herself—not that Uncle Poseidon would even believe it; heck, I didn't at first. I decided to create a trident that was much more powerful, hoping it would be enough to get the blessing. That took another day and I put it off for a whole day. Finally, on the seventh day, I summoned all my courage and teleported myself to the sea palace. I appeared in the throne room, right in front of Poseidon, who looked surprised and slightly suspicious.

Me (nervously): Umm... Hi... Uncle...

Poseidon (surprised): Hello, Hephaestus... To what do I owe this surprise visit? (not rudely, more like out of curiosity.)

Me: Umm... I need a favor, uncle... Something only you can do...

Poseidon (confused): Which would be?

Me (gulping): I need your blessings...

Poseidon (raising an eyebrow): Excuse me??? 

Me (bringing out the hairpin and making it turn to the sword): Well, I want you to bless this sword...

Poseidon: Whatever for?

I gulped and I could feel a bead of sweat dripping down my forehead. "Percy", I thought, "you are going to owe me more than a million metals for what I am doing for you!" How exactly do you tell Poseidon that his future son, who is in the body of a girl, wanted me to make a sword that requires his blessings for it to not feel awkward to use, especially when I cannot mention the said future son in the body of a girl?

Wait, didn't Poseidon complain about his kids finding their weapons awkward? If Percy is right and his blessing could counter that feeling, then maybe...

Me (slowly): You once said that you're children always felt uncomfortable with their weapons and how, more often than not, it would lead to their deaths, did you not?

"Yes. And?"

"I've been thinking for some time that since your children possess your powers, if they used weapons blessed by you, it would feel no different from controlling water and might make the tools more comfortable."

Poseidon (thoughtfully): That does make sense... Okay, and I will take the sword and store it till I have a child who can test it out (getting excited).

"NO!", I exclaimed hurriedly, maybe too quickly. "I'd like to keep this sword... There are some final touches I'd like to make and it was made for girls. You have not had a female demigod in a long time, if I recall... You could bless this sword too so I can keep the other (summoning a random but good sword from the forge).

Poseidon (suspiciously): Well... You are right, I have never had daughters and it was you who came up with the idea... (smiling) Alright... You can keep that sword as thanks...

I sighed in relief as he got up and blessed both swords. The crystal gem on the sword hilt turned a sea green color, and a trident symbol appeared engraved on the blade. There were slight color changes in the extra sword too. I couldn't help but feel happy and proud that I had accomplished making the sword I promised. I handed the other sword to Poseidon, thanked him, and teleported back to the forge. It was only then that I remembered that I hadn't given him the trident but decided to give it to him as a gift on his birthday (though he hates that day for obvious reasons).

I wrapped it in a box, with a note saying that the sea-green gem and trident were proof of the blessing and that a drop of blood was needed for it to recognize its master. I teleported to his house (I'm a god so I know...) but he was not there so I handed it to a dryad there, who for some reason was pretending to be her, with specific orders to entrust it to Percy. I used a special box that could only be opened by those with my blessing, which is only him.

After sending it, I realized I had nothing much to do other than start on a new project, which I wasn't up to at the moment so I decided to go and have a chat with Aunt Hestia and tell her about Percy, which I doubt he'd mind since she not only blessed him but had also voted for him to live too.

After sending it, I realized I had nothing much to do other than start on a new project, which I wasn't up to at the moment so I decided to go and have a chat with Aunt Hestia and tell her about Percy, which I doubt he'd mind since she not only bl...

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(First picture of the hairpin or sword

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(First picture of the hairpin or sword... The sword looks like a bigger version of it, with a trident symbol on the blade (like in the second picture)


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