Chapter 31

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The waters spat the four of us out onto dry land, and I took in the familiar sight. I had imagined the very spring where I had dragged Lì to when he was injured. The three of them looked around confusedly before recognizing where they were.

I sat down on a rock, having not even realized how drained I was until right now. I had used a lot of my powers since entering the portal, but that was all refreshed when I had leveled up. That egg must have absorbed an enormous amount of my powers before I had freed it from that pillar, and then right after I used my powers to teleport all four of us, so I needed to sit for a while.

Even being the strongest demigod, I can't use my powers continuously without feeling exhausted but thankfully the waters could replenish my strength instantly. I closed my eyes and willed the atmospheric waters towards me, relaxing in their embrace, when I sensed a hand heading in my direction. My eyes shot open just as Lì cupped my face in his hands, raising my face upwards. I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks, feeling his palms on them.

I stared into his eyes, expecting to see betrayal or anger because of the empty bag situation so I was taken aback when all I saw was worry. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt anywhere?", he asked, his voice laced with concern.

"I'm fine, just a bit exhausted.", I couldn't help but feel confused. I had purposely kept from looking at Lì the whole time there, not wanting to see his anger towards me but there was none at all, not even the littlest bit...

Me: Aren't you mad at me?

Lì frowned, confused, "Well, yes, I am...", he started, giving me a mixed sense of relief and fear. "You are clearly exhausted from using all that power! If it was too much for you, then say something and leave the rest to us! It's hurtful that you don't trust us. trust me enough to let us give you a hand."

"NOT THAT!!! I meant about the bag,", I exclaimed, not expecting that at all.

(raising an eyebrow): What about it? It's not your fault it got stolen...

"Well, actually, it was... But that's not what I'm talking about. I lied to you! There was never anything in the bag."


"And you're not mad?" Don't you want to ask me about it?"

Lì's eyes rolled at my frustration before his eyes flickered with a sudden surge of anger. "Right. Now you are actually making me mad."

"THANK YOU!!!", I sighed in relief.

(angrily): How could you make me out to be so petty???

Me (frustrated): LÌ!!!!

Bai Ze (bursting into laughter while watching us): Please, you don't actually take us to be that dumb, do you?

"Well, I've always thought of you as dumb.", I said with a shrug, momentarily enjoying the sight of Bai Ze's face turning red with anger. I'm confused...

(grinning (starting before Bai Ze could say anything)): You kept taking one thing after the other or slipping it into the bag: pieces of cloth, towels, all the stuff you used to change my appearance, masks, pills, that eye thing... It was pretty obvious that you weren't pulling all of it out of the bag. There's no way that small bag would have that much space... Although I didn't expect it to be completely empty...

Bai Zou (joining in with a small smile): You even pulled out meat... I'm more curious why you keep meat with you...

I'm starting to wonder if I truly have seaweed in my brain. Now that they said it, it was pretty obvious with all the stuff I kept pulling out. So much for keeping the space a secret... "I get hungry often", I sheepishly responded to Bai Zou's question, my face turning red in utter embarrassment.

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