Chapter 51

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I tilted my head to the right as the cup whizzed past, barely missing my cheek. I heard the sound of the cup crashing onto the wall behind me and breaking before falling and its contents spilling onto the floor. Mael rose infuriated, ready to attack but I ordered him to stand down.

The grandmother didn't care for me nor did she care whether I visited or not. But she always loved to find fault with me and punish me. She'd make me (as in the original owner) kneel on my knees for hours holding a tray of tea and have my knees whipped, even if a little spilled. I was expected to hold that tray up for hours and not shake or give way! I can't count the number of times she's thrown tea at my face for preparing it too hot or too cold. If one of the other siblings did something wrong, somehow or the other, I would wind up being blamed.

"Yǔ-er deserves to be punished!" I exclaimed pitifully as I fell to the floor and kneeled, trembling, willing tears to drip down from my eyes and fall onto the floor (this family isn't the only one who knows how to act). "Yǔ-er thought that grandmother was angry with her since grandmother never visited her while she was ill..." I start only to be cut off by her.

Grandmother (glaring): So you mean to say that I am obliged to visit you???!!!

Me (trembling): NO!!! I just didn't want to anger Grandmother into getting a stroke.

Lien (coming and kneeling by my side): Grandmother, Xiao Lien begs you to appease your anger! The doctor has advised you to remain calm at all times! Please forgive my unfilial sister for her mistakes!

It's like they all expected me to wake up from my deathbed and greet her, whether I was ill or not. That happened once too. I had a terrible fever but I was punished for not greeting my grandmother that day. I lowered my face to hide the dangerous smirk that had formed on my face. I won't forget this.

"That's enough, mother... Don't forget what I told you... Stand up, child, and stop acting so pitiful. What an eyesore!"  My father orders in disgust as he enters the room, followed by Juan. The grandmother grumbled inaudibly and sat down, making me frown and wonder what was told that made her back down easily.

"Now listen up... The third prince's victory party will be held in three days and you three will be attending alongside me." He informs us before turning to me and glaring. "Under no circumstances must you embarrass the house. If I had my way, I would have locked you up in your room, but you need to be there, so don't say anything you shouldn't, if you know what's best for you." He ended with a threat, meaning I could expect to be thrashed if I stepped even a toe out of place.

Of course, the last part was directed right at me (the killer glare was a dead giveaway). Although that did explain everything—why no one bullied or tried to harm me, and why Grandmother backed down so easily—I could tell that he didn't want me there but needed it, either because the king demanded it or because they were planning something.

Me (cowering): Yǔ-er understands...

Grandmother (motioning at me): If you do, then get out of my face...

I bowed slightly and walked out, noticing the smirk that morphed on Lien's face before being replaced by a concerned glance.

Quan, who had been waiting outside, looked relieved to see me leave unharmed and followed after me. "Did they cause too much trouble, miss?" she asked in a worried tone.

"Nothing I couldn't handle..." I responded with a smirk, calming her mind.

"Quan, you mentioned that my mother was related to the king, right? You said that she was his sister?" I inquired after we had separated from prying ears and walked to my residence.

Quan (sadly): Yes, miss... But they weren't blood-related... According to Madam, she met the emperor when she was fifteen and he was eighteen. He had left the palace for an adventure, and they met, bonded, and became sworn siblings. That is how she also first met the master; he joined the two on their travels and after a while, the two fell in love. But after returning and rising to power, Master Li abandoned her, only marrying her to remain on the emperor's good side...

"Hoo..." I hum in response, my mind turning as the new information floods my mind. If the king and mother were sworn siblings, why didn't the king do anything when she was defamed? Why did he allow her to be bullied to this extent? Was it because he didn't know? But then again, that would only be an excuse; if they were true siblings, there is no way he wouldn't have wanted to keep in touch and know what she was up to. I sighed as we reached the residence and I entered my room and closed the door. So many questions with barely any answers...

"I don't understand, master... Why do you let them walk all over you? You could finish them without even lifting your finger." asked Mael, revealing himself once we were alone in the room. He sat on my lap and stared at me, confused and unhappy with how I was reacting and wanting to take action.

"I was just giving them a final indulgence." I started, bringing my fingers to my lips, which had morphed into a smirk. "From this point on, I am going to mess up all their plans, ruin their goals, and turn everything upside down, starting with the victory party. If I, someone who doesn't even bow to the gods, were to reduce myself and bow to mere mortals, what would that say about me?"

The real game is just about to start.

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