Chapter 23

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Li Yǔ's POV

"The water is poisoned. If touched, it could corrode your skin, and if it is inhaled, it could even corrode your internal organs.", I inform them with a grim face.

Bai Ze (gasping): WHAT???!!! But you're soaked in it!

Bai Zou (looking worried for the first time): And we've all inhaled it too.

"Relax..." I said as I pretended to rummage through the bag and pulled out a small box containing the medicine, holding it by a cloth (to make sure the water didn't get on it) and threw it to Lì, "Eat that. One pill per person; it will cleanse all the poison you've inhaled."

(taking one and passing it to the others (worriedly)): What about you?

Me (bringing out a towel and wiping my hair and over my clothes, secretly willing the water to dry up): I'm immune to most poisons... It happens when you consume a lot.

Bai Ze (suspiciously): And why would you eat a lot?

Me (nonchalantly): Many reasons... For one, my dear family happens to love poisoning me. Their idea of family love included feeding me expired medicines when I was sick. Not to mention that consuming large amounts of poison increases your immunity to the same... Sometimes one poison can act as an antidote for another.

Bai Zou: You seem to know a lot about poisons...

I couldn't help but recall something Apollo had once told me when I was training under him: "Did you know, Percy, medicines and poison often go hand in hand... Both can be equally dangerous and, at the same time, life-saving if used properly. Medicines used in the wrong proportion can be as potent as poison and even the most potent poison can be used as medicine. That's why, if you want to be the best in the art of healing, you have to excel and know everything about medicine and poisons." This was before all the incidents and execution... I sighed, remembering the memory, which in turn made me think about everything that happened after...

Me (forcing myself out of those thoughts): Well, there is a fine line between poison and medicine. Using too much medicine can become a poison and if you use poison carefully, it can act as medicine. So anyone who wants to learn medicine needs to be an expert in poisons too, although not many doctors see the need to do so.

Bai Ze (in disbelief): Why would someone as young as you know all that?

Bai Zou: I think we should continue this discussion after figuring out how to get to the other side.

Me (noticing something): Ohh... By the way, where are the seventh prince and that girl?

(frowning): The girl made a bridge of ice and went on over to the other side... They took treasures like pills from those who had no other way through, in return for helping them too. The remaining few used other items.

Me (smirking, so it was her who tried to kill me): Items???

: Some used boats, others used pills that would protect them from the water and swam, some had water beasts, items that were created by mixing the wind element so that it could fly or the water element so it could float, etc.

Bai Ze: Do you have a way across???

Me (thinking for a while): How well can you all jump?

(confused): Jump???

Me: Well, I could use the water to create a path, mid-air, from one end to the other, but I can't make a full path—just small puddles, you could say. You'll have to jump from one to another.

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