Side Story 5

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(Sorry for the wait. I was a bit preoccupied these past few days.)

(Present timeline: Underworld- six months after Percy's death.)

Hades' POV

"Σας καλεί, ω χαμένη ψυχή, να εμφανίζεται μπροστά μου. Δείξε τον εαυτό σου, έλα πριν από την παρουσία σου, σε διατάζω στο όνομα του άρχοντα των νεκρών, Άδη. Σας καλώ στο όνομά μου", I chant softly, repeating it over and over again. How many times does it make this??? Just where have you disappeared to, Percy???

(Translation: I summon you, oh lost soul, appear before my midst. Show yourself, come before my midst, I command you under the authority of the lord over the dead, Hades. I summon you in my name!!!

I tried to translate it into Ancient Greek, but I couldn't find a translator.)

I sighed in defeat. It's been six months since his death, and for six months I've been continuing to try and summon his soul. After his execution, I tried to find his soul in the underworld to help with his reincarnation but it was as though his soul had just vanished into thin air. Ever since then, I've used every method possible to find his soul, and now the only option is to try to use the connection between us from the blessing and my authority over the dead souls. But what if I'm just running after something that doesn't exist anymore???

"I swear brother, if I find out you had something to do with this!!!", I growled under my breath. I wouldn't put it past Zeus, but trying to harm the soul would be interfering with my domain, and that is forbidden. As the ruler of the underworld, once a person is dead, their destiny is mine to decide, that's why I didn't say anything till the end...

Percy... You should have just let me save you... So what if it meant going against Olympus, and losing all the privileges that come with being a part of them? I only got those perks because you fought for them. I shouldn't have listened to you. Even if it meant going against your will, I should have forced you that day. I should have taken you away!!!

"Any success???", came a soft hopeful voice, which I instantly recognized as Hestia's. I raised my head just as she opened the door and walked in, followed by Hephaestus. I shook my head in disappointment. The two would come by occasionally, to give me the news from up there, since I refused to sit in the presence of those heartless animals and to see if I had gotten in touch with him. Sister Hestia's face was tear-stained and bloodshot while even Hephaestus looked worn out. Except for meetings, the three of us didn't even go to the Olympus throne room. Hephaestus locked himself in his forge, whenever he was not visiting here or Sister Hestia, whereas Sister Hestia didn't leave the hearth...

Hestia (worried): You don't think Brother Zeus had something to do with it, do you???

Hephaestus (clenching his fists): I doubt Father would go that far...

Even Hephaestus sounded uncertain when he said that. Would Zeus really go this far, I wondered... I couldn't even go and ask in case he had nothing to do with it. All I could do was try to connect to Percy. I took a deep breath and tried again, closing my eyes and focusing all my power on the link between us, and started to mutter in Ancient Greek again. This time I felt something... a weak connection, and almost opened my eyes but took a deep breath and focused, chanting repeatedly until I heard two gasps and my eyes shot open. There, standing in the middle of the room, was Percy... His soul... No, this wasn't his soul, I couldn't sense any powers, was it his subconscious???

He looked at us surprised before taking a step closer, bringing his face right up to mine and staring at me, his brows scrunched together in suspicion, "Are you... Uncle H???"

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