Chapter 38

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Yun HuangPu disappeared in a matter of seconds, along with his carriage and guards. I transferred one of my knights into his shadow and had it follow him until I could decide what to do with him. I turned to Bai Zou, just as he sheathed his sword.

Bai Zou (before turning to leave): You should be more careful, miss... There are a lot of dangerous and powerful men out there who have no issue taking advantage of innocent girls.

I jogged up after him, reaching his side and easily matching his speed. "I wasn't really worried," I stated with an unconcerned shrug. It would have been a piece of cake to take care of some idiot like him, whether Bai Zou stepped in or not.

Bai Zou (stopping): I didn't save you for any compensation...

Me (stopping too and nodding): I know...

Bai Zou (raising an eyebrow): Then why are you following after me? I saved you out of pity; it doesn't mean I will be taking you in...

The corners of my lips raise into a mischievous smile. "I'm just following you because I figured you're bound to lead me to your master. Since you're out here, he must be nearby, right?"

Instantly, Bai Zou froze, drew out his sword, and swung it at me, which I dodged easily by taking a single step back. "Who are you?" How do you know my master and what do you want from him?? he asked threateningly.

"Why is it that you men always draw out your swords unnecessarily? Especially pointing it to your mistress?" I tsked, enjoying the look of confusion that crossed his face. "What would hubby think?" I continued with a playful grin.

Bai Zou (a look of realization crossing his face): Xiao Yǔ?? (A/N: Calling 'Little Yǔ')

Looks like Lì revealed my name to them. But seriously? Did he just call me little? I raise an eye and pucker my lips into a pout. "Little? I'm not little! I prefer when you call me mistress."

Bai Zou (smiling slightly): Master did say that you were a blonde fourteen-year-old...

"Aw... You talk about me. I'm  blushing..." I cover my face, feigning embarrassment, while he stares at me with an amused look on his face. "Where is Lì?" I asked, looking around, expecting to spot him...

Bai Zou (sighing): I don't know... He was supposed to be writing reports and I just stepped away for a second. When I came back, he was gone. (staring at me curiously) I don't suppose you have a way to find him, do you?

A grin played across my face, as I closed my eyes and expanded my senses. It was impossible to find Lì but there was someone else who could lead me straight to him. "Shadow???", I called out in my mind, trying to connect with him. Since Shadow is created from Hades' aura, it is easy to communicate with him as long as I form a link (connect) with him.

"Shadow??? Can you release your aura so I can find you two?"

A few minutes later, I sensed him... Every beast has a distinction in their auras, setting them apart from other beasts, even of the same element, so it didn't take long to catch Shadow's trail. I learned that in the domain when I came across a lot of water beasts. "Found him!" I exclaimed in excitement.

Bai Zou (grateful): Great... Where is he???

Me (taking a sharp breath): Oooh... I can't tell you. If I tell you, it would feel like betraying Lì and I don't do that.

Bai Zou let out a sigh. "Alright... Just go to him, please... I'd feel relieved with you around him."

I tilt my head to the side in confusion. "Relieved?"

"Due to Master's identity, he has countless enemies and has been targeted constantly, so it's not safe to leave him alone... The last time, well, you should know considering that you were the one who dealt with them."

Me (sympathetically): It must be hard being in an enemy country...

A flash of confusion crossed his face before he nodded and murmured something to himself. Should I be finding that suspicious? A few minutes after he left, I followed the trail of Shadow's aura. "Mael?" I called out telepathically, "Leave the fatty and come back."

"I don't understand why you are letting him off, master! That man deserves a thousand deaths for his impure thoughts towards you!" he replied indignantly as he appeared above me and plopped himself on my head. He had followed after the fatty, wanting revenge, so he wasn't all too happy to be called back before being able to do anything.

"Patience, Mael... It will never help if we just strike without thinking. He's obviously from an important family, and from his attitude, it's clear that he's pampered, whereas I, even though I'm from the minister's family, am nobody... Let him have a few days of leisure, I said as my lips morphed into a dangerous smirk, scratching Mael's neck to calm him down.

"Where to, master?" he sighed, stretching himself.

Me (grinning): To meet a... a man...

Mael (raising his head in a start): A man? Which man dares to capture my master's affection?

Me (grinning): You seem to be forgetting that I too used to be a man...

Mael spread out his wings and took to the air, hovering in front of me, staring at my face. "Master, you may be more girl than you think." I glared at the dragon, who was facing me and flying backward. "Excuse me???"

"It's just your face lights up every time you talk about him... It's like someone who has a crush."

"That's because he's my friend... And it's fun thinking about ways to freak him out!" I defend. There's no way I had a crush on Lì! He's a guy and I'm a guy, mentally at least... And I like girls, right?

My thought process froze the minute I caught sight of him among the crowd and a big smile, unconsciously, spread across my face. He was wandering around the same place, casually going to one stall and then the other. But on a closer look, he appeared to be waiting for someone... For me (that thought made my smile grow wider), Shadow must have told him that I was looking for him before releasing his aura.

I snuck up towards him, flinging my hands around his neck from behind, and exclaimed, "Hubby!"

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