Side Story 4

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Zoë's POV

I was sitting on a ledge, admiring my dagger in the moonlight. 'The huntress'... I wonder why PJ called it that. I took out the note and read it once again. I'd find myself taking it out and reading it now and then during the past week, remembering what Lord Apollo said about the sincerity it was written with.

I had so many questions... Who was PJ? How did I know her? Why did she make me a dagger? How did she even know that my preferred weapon was daggers (only Lady Artemis knew)? And why did she wish for my happiness with such sincerity?

"I want to meet her, my lady." I whispered as Lady Artemis took a seat beside me.

"Then go... Ask Brother Hephaestus if he knows her. If not, I will send you to Uncle Hades" she responded in a kind voice, understanding how much this meant to me. When I nodded, she teleported me to Hephaestus' forge. I walked in, unsure where to head, and called out for him. I heard the sound of banging and followed until I finally found the god. I went over and tapped his shoulder without thinking.

"FOR THE LOVE OF GODS! Didn't I already tell you not to surprise me when I am hammering, Per- Who in Hades are you?" He started mistaking me for someone else. "You're a huntress, aren't you? What do you want?"

"Did you create this?" I asked politely after bowing to him in respect and handing him the dagger, which he took and examined.

"No... But what beautiful craftsmanship this is! Where did you get it from?" he asked, admiring the dagger.

I told him the whole story and showed him the note, "I wanted to know if you knew who this PJ is."

"I may have an idea..." he started cautiously. "But what makes you think I'll tell you? Seeing as she didn't want to reveal herself."

"You don't have to tell me... But could you pass her a message? Please tell her I want to meet her!" I asked desperately.

"Fine," he lets out a heavy sigh, "I'll tell her but I can't guarantee she'll meet you. Now run along... Ever since she came, I've been doing a lot more favors than usual."


It had been three weeks since then, and I was starting to think that either Hephaestus forgot or PJ didn't want to meet me when a metallic bird landed on my shoulders and whispered a message into my ears. I immediately started running to the meeting place after receiving the message. A part of me felt terrible for keeping it from Lady Artemis but I decided to see for myself before telling her...

I stopped in the middle of a forest; the whole area was covered by a huge, thick fog, making it hard to see. "I heard you wanted to see me..." came a gentle voice from the fog, making me turn in that direction and I saw her—well, her eyes at least. She was sitting on a tree branch with dark shadows acting as a cloak that covered her head to toe, leaving only the eye area visible. I didn't even sense her there. She jumped down and landed nimbly on the ground, staring at me with her sea-green eyes.

(A/N: Although this will be mentioned in future chapters, Percy/ Yǔ's eye color turns to sea green whenever she uses her powers, whether it is her water powers or blessings. (This is the only thing that ties her/ him to his past self, except the powers.)

Me (staring at her): Who are you?

PJ: If this is why you asked for me, I think you should just leave...

Me (startled): NO!!! What do I call you?

PJ: PJ is fine...

Me: Thank you for the daggers; I really liked it.

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